Enzymatic basis of detoxication


Enzymatic basis of detoxication

edited by William B. Jakoby

(Biochemical pharmacology and toxicology)

Academic Press, 1980

  • v. 1
  • v. 2

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 24



Includes bibliographical references and indexes



v. 1 ISBN 9780123800015


Enzymatic Basis of Detoxication, Volume I focuses on the catalytic mechanisms and physiological expression of the enzymes that are involved in the detoxication of foreign compounds. The book explores foreign compound metabolism at the level of what specific enzymes can do. This book is organized into three sections and comprised of 17 chapters. The discussion begins with an overview of detoxication and covers both catalytic and non-catalytic removal of foreign substances, along with the general properties of the enzymes that are active in detoxication. The reader is then introduced to the physiological aspects of detoxication, paying particular attention to the kinetic aspects of metabolism and elimination of foreign compounds in animals, human genetic variation in detoxication enzymes, and how such enzymes are induced. The next section focuses on mixed function oxygenase systems and includes chapters on cytochrome P-450 and the detoxication reactions it catalyzes. The book also considers other oxidation-reduction systems, with reference to alcohol dehydrogenase, aldehyde reductase, aldehyde oxidizing enzymes, ketone reductases, xanthine oxidase and aldehyde oxidase, glutathione peroxidase, and superoxide dismutases. The final chapter is devoted to monoamine oxidase, its properties, substrate specificity, inhibitors, kinetics and mechanism, and multiple forms. Pharmacologists, toxicologists, and biochemists will find this book extremely helpful.


  • List of ContributorsPrefaceContents of Volume II Chapter 1 Detoxication Enzymes I. Detoxication II. Characterization of the Enzymes of Detoxication III. The Question of Natural Substrate 5 References References Chapter 2 Kinetic Aspects of Metabolism and Elimination of Foreign Compounds in Animals I. Introduction II. Pharmacokinetic Model III. Comments References Chapter 3 Human Genetic Variation in the Enzymes of Detoxication I. Introductory Remarks II. Classification of Human Pharmacogenetic Disorders III. Avenues for Future Exploration IV. Comments References Chapter 4 Induction of the Enzymes of Detoxication I. Introduction II. Induction of Mixed Function Oxidases III. Chromatin Activation IV. Effects on RNA Polymerase V. Effects on Components on Protein Synthesis VI. Comments References Chapter 5 Comparative Aspects of Detoxication in Mammals I. Introduction II. The Origins of Species Differences in Foreign Compound Metabolism III. Do "Species Patterns" of Foreign Compound Metabolism Exist? IV. The Significance of the Comparative Biochemistry of Foreign Compounds for Animal Taxonomy V. The Enzymatic Basis of Species Differences in Foreign Compound Metabolism VI. Comments References Part II. Mixed Function Oxygenase Systems Chapter 6 Microsomal Cytochrome P-450: A Central Catalyst in Detoxication Reactions I. Introduction II. Purification Procedures III. Enzyme Assays IV. Characterization of Purified Enzymes V. Substrate Specificity VI. Summary and Comments on Factors Controlling Activities of Cytochrome P-450 References Chapter 7 Reactions Catalyzed by the Cytochrome P-450 System I. Introduction II. Criteria Used to Establish the Involvement of Cytochrome P-450 in Various Reactions III. Oxidative Reactions IV. Reductive Reactions V. Comments References Chapter 8 The Role of NADPH-Cytochrome c (P-450) Reductase in Detoxication I. Introduction II. Microsomal Electron Transport Systems III. Purification of NADPH-Cytochrome c (P-450) Reductase IV. Properties of NADPH-Cytochrome c (P-450) Reductase from Various Organs and Species V. Specificity of Reductase-Cytochrome P-450 Interaction in Various Monooxygenase Reactions
  • Other Metabolic Functions Chapter 9 Microsomal Flavin-Containing Monooxygenase: Oxygenation of Nucleophilic Nitrogen and Sulfur Compounds I. Introduction II. Hog Liver Microsomal Flavin-Containing Monooxygenase III. Species and Tissue Distribution References Part III. Other Oxidation-Reduction Systems Chapter 10 Alcohol Dehydrogenase I. Introduction II. Distribution of Alcohol Dehydrogenase III. Multiple Molecular Forms of Human Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase IV. Purification of Human Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase V. Molecular Properties of Human Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase VI. Catalytic Properties of Human Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase VII. Regulation of Ethanol Metabolism in Man References Chapter 11 Aldehyde Reductase I. Introduction II. Distribution of Aldehyde Reductases III. Purification and Assay IV. Structural Properties V. Catalytic Properties References Chapter 12 Aldehyde Oxidizing Enzymes I. Introduction II. Aldehyde Dehydrogenases III. Nonspecific Aldehyde Dehydrogenase IV. Formaldehyde Dehydrogenase V. Aldehyde Oxidase VI. Comments References Chapter 13 Ketone Reductases I. Introduction II. Assay III. Purification IV. Distribution V. Specificity and Characterization VI. Comments References Chapter 14 Xanthine Oxidase and Aldehyde Oxidase I. Introduction II. Electron Donor Specificity III. Electron Acceptor Specificity IV. Inhibitors V. Human Enzymes VI. Relevance to Detoxication VII. Purification and Assay VIII. Regulation IX. Comments References Chapter 15 Superoxide Dismutases: Detoxication of a Free Radical I. Introduction II. Intermediates of Oxygen Reduction III. O2- as Substrate IV. Superoxide Dismutase-The Enzyme V. The Physiological Role of Superoxide Dismutases References Chapter 16 Glutathione Peroxidase I. Introduction II. The Role of Glutathione Peroxidase in Hydroperoxide Metabolism III. Determination of Glutathione Peroxidase Activity and Definition of Units IV. Purification V. Physical and Chemical Properties VI. Kinetic Data VII. Active Site, Structure, and Mechanism of Catalysis VIII. Distribution of Glutathione Peroxidase IX. Comments References Chapter 17 Monoamine Oxidase I. Introduction II. Assay and Purification III. Substrate Specificity IV. Properties of the Enzyme V. Inhibitors VI. Kinetics and Mechanism VII. Multiple Forms References

v. 2 ISBN 9780123800022


Enzymatic Basis of Detoxication, Volume II, reviews the state of knowledge on foreign compound metabolism at the level of what specific enzymes can do. The book attempts to provide a holistic view of the information gleaned from work with specific, purified enzymes encompassing as many mammalian sources as have been studied. The book is organized into two parts. Part I on conjugation reactions and related systems includes studies on the properties of glucuronide formation; the physiological function, assay, and purificatgion of function of bilirubin-glucuronoside glucuronosyltransferase; the roles of N- and O-methylation reactions and glutathione transferases in detoxication; and amino acid conjugation. Part II presents studies on hydrolytic systems, covering the role of epoxide hydrolase, carboxylesterases, and amidases in detoxication and the regulatory effects of these enzymes. This book provides pharmacologists and toxicologists with the biochemical view of detoxication, and biochemists with the corresponding pharmacological and toxicological aspects.


List of ContributorsPrefaceContents of Volume IPart I. Conjugation Reactions and Related Systems Chapter 1 Glucuronidation I. Introduction II. Metabolic Glucuronidation III. Properties of Purified UDP-Glucuronosyltransferase IV. Evidence for Heterogeneity of UDP-Glucuronosyltransferase V. Relationship of UDP-Glucuronosyltransferase to Membrane Environment VI. Regulation of Transferase Activity VII. Measurement of UDP-Glucuronosyltransferase Activity VIII. Comments References Chapter 2 Dismutation of Bilirubin Monoglucuronide I. Scope of the Reaction in Detoxication II. Physiological Role III. Assay of Bilirubin Glucuronoside Glucuronosyltransferase IV. Purification of the Enzyme References Chapter 3 N- and O-Methylation I. Scope of N- and O-Methylation Reactions in Detoxication II. Enzymes Involved in N- and O-Methylation Reactions References Chapter 4 Glutathione Transferases I. Introduction II. Detoxication by Catalysis III. The Binding Function IV. Distribution, Induction, and Role References Chapter 5 Enzymes of Mercapturic Acid Formation I. Introduction II. ?-Glutamyl Transpeptidase III. Peptidases Active in Hydrolysis of Cysteinylglycine Peptides IV. N-Acetyltransferase V. Perspectives References Chapter 6 Cysteine Conjugate ss-Lyase I. Introduction II. Assay Method for the Enzyme Activity III. Purification and Properties IV. Distribution V. Implication of the Enzyme in the Methylthiolation of a Drug References Chapter 7 S-Methylation: Thio S-Methyltransferase I. Introduction II. The Enzyme III. Distribution IV. Detoxication of Hydrogen Sulfide References Chapter 8 Conjugation by Peptide Bond Formation I. Introduction II. Reactions and Enzymes Involved in Peptide Bond Formation III. Conjugation of Benzoates and Aryl Acetates with Glycine and L-Glutamine IV. Conjugation of Bile Acids with Glycine and Taurine V. Comments References Chapter 9 Acetylation I. Introduction II. Enzyme Purification and Properties III. Toxicology and Acetylation Polymorphism References Chapter 10 Arylhydroxamic Acid Acyltransferase I. N,O-Acyltransferase-Mediated Toxicity of Arylhydroxamic Acids II. Arylhydroxamic Acid Acyltransferase References Chapter 11 Sulfotransferases I. Introduction II. Activation of Sulfate III. The Sulfotransferases IV. Regulation of Conjugation with Sulfate V. Comments References Chapter 12 Thioltransferases I. Scope of the Reactions Catalyzed by Thioltransferases in Detoxication II. Thioltransferases References Chapter 13 Rhodanese and the Sulfane Pool I. Detoxication of Cyanide and Inorganic Sulfide II. Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions That Use or Produce Sulfane Sulfur III. Conclusion-Toxicity of Sulfane Depletion References Chapter 14 Glyoxalase I I. Scope of the Reactions Catalyzed by Glyoxalase I in Detoxication II. Glyoxalase I ReferencesPart II. Hydrolytic Systems Chapter 15 Epoxide Hydrolase I. Introduction II. Scope of the Reaction in Detoxication III. Purification, Assay, and Properties of the Enzyme IV. Regulation of the Enzyme V. Comments References Chapter 16 Carboxylesterases and Amidases I. Role of Carboxylesterases/Amidases in Detoxication II. The Enzymes: B-Type Carboxylesterases/Amidases III. Regulatory Effects ReferencesIndex

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