Morphology and mind : a unified approach to explanation in linguistics


Morphology and mind : a unified approach to explanation in linguistics

Christopher J. Hall

(Theoretical linguistics / chief editor, John Hawkins)

Routledge, 1992

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 55



Includes bibliographies (P. 210-220) and index



The central concern of this book is the explanation of grammatical form. It examines in detail certain cross-linguistic patterns in morphological systems, providing unified explanations of the observation that suffixes predominate over prefixes and the correlation between affix position and syntactic head position. The explanation of the suffixing preference is one which appeals to principles of language processing, tempered by cognitive principles of language change. Coupled with generative morphological analysis, these also provide an explanation for the head/affix correlative. The extended case-study illustrates a unified, integrative approach to explanation in linguistics which stresses two major features: the search for cognitive or other functional principles that could potentially underlie formally specified regularities, and the need for a micro-analysis of the mechanisms of "linkage" between regularity and explanation.

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