Light transit systems : proceedings of the symposium on the potential of light transit systems in British cities organized by the Institution of Civil Engineers and held in Nottingham on 14-15 March 1990


Light transit systems : proceedings of the symposium on the potential of light transit systems in British cities organized by the Institution of Civil Engineers and held in Nottingham on 14-15 March 1990

Telford, c1990

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7




Light transit systems are becoming increasingly popular and are likely to be a major factor in reducing traffic congestion and pollution in cities. Eminent contributors provide lucid commentary on funding, engineering feasibility, public consultation, environmental impact, safety, legal aspects and operation, drawing on experience in Europe, Tyne and Wear, and London's Docklands.


* Do you need it? Planning and development * Can you afford it? Economics and finance * What kind of system? Systems and engineering feasibility * Can you sell the idea? Marketing and promotion * How do you go about it? Procedures and contracts * How do you run it? Operation

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