Ion implantation in semiconductors : science and technology : proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Ion Implantation in Semiconductors and Other Materials, held at the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, August 1974


    • International Conference on Ion Implantation in Semiconductors and Other Materials
    • Namba, Susumu


Ion implantation in semiconductors : science and technology : proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Ion Implantation in Semiconductors and Other Materials, held at the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, August 1974

edited by Susumu Namba

Plenum Press, 1975

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 19



Includes bibliographical references and indexes



The technique of ion implantation has become a very useful and stable technique in the field of semiconductor device fabrication. This use of ion implantation is being adopted by industry. Another important application is the fundamental study of the physical properties of materials. The First Conference on Ion Implantation in Semiconductors was held at Thousand Oaks, California in 1970. The second conference in this series was held at Garmish-Partenkirchen, Germany, in 1971. At the third conference, which convened at Yorktown Heights, New York in 1973, the emphasis was broadened to include metals and insulators as well as semiconductors. This scope of the conference was still accepted at the fourth conference which was held at Osaka, Japan, in 1974. A huge number of papers had been submitted to this conference. All papers which were presented at the Fourth International Conference on Ion Implantation in Semiconductors and Other Materials are included in this proceedings. The success of this conference was due to technical presentations and discussions of 224 participants from 14 countries as well as to financial support from many companies in Japan. On behalf of the committee, I wish to thank the authors for their excellent papers and the sponsors for their financial support. The International Committee responsible for advising this conference consisted of B.L. Crowder, J.A. Davies, G. Dearna1ey, F.H. Eisen, Ph. G1otin, T. Itoh, A.U. MacRae, J.W. Mayer, S. Namba, I. Ruge, and F.L. Vook.


  • III-V Compound Semiconductors I.- Ion Implantation in III-V Compounds.- Anodic Oxidation and Profile Determination of Ion Implanted Semi-insulating GaAs.- Encapsulation of Ion Implanted GaAs.- Ion Implantation of Cd and Te in GaAs Crystals.- Implantation of Silicon into Gallium Arsenide.- The Effects of Ion Dose and Implantation Temperature on Enhanced Diffusion in Selenium Ion-Implanted Gallium Arsenide.- III-V Compound Semiconductors II.- The Effects of Ion-Implanted Ga, As, and P on the Subsequent Diffusion of Ion-Implanted Zn in GaAs0.6P0.4.- Compensating Layers in GaAs by Ion Implantation: Application to Integrated Optics.- Electrical Properties of Proton Bombarded N-type GaAs.- Photoluminescence of Zinc Implanted n-type GaAs.- Large Increase of Emission Efficiency in Indirect GaAsP by N-Ion Implantation.- Electrical and Photoluminescent Properties of Zinc Implanted GaAs0.62P0.38.- Defect-Free Nitrogen Implantation into GaP.- Ion Implantations of Mg and Zn into n-type GaP.- In-Depth Profile Detection Limits of Nitrogen in GaP, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Fluorine in Si by SIMS and AES.- Behaviors of Ga and P Damages Introduced by Ion-Implantation into GaP.- ESR Studies of Annealing Behavior of Nitrogen-Implanted GaP.- Profiles.- Profiles
  • How Well Can Experimental Results be Explained by Theories?.- Measurement of Arsenic Implantation Profiles in Silicon Using an Electron Spectroscopic Technique.- Atom and Carrier Profiles in As Implanted Si.- The Influence of Postprocessing on the Electrical Behavior of Implanted Arsenic Distributions in Silicon.- Anomalous Annealing Behavior of Arsenic Implanted Silicon as a Function of Dose and Energy.- Deviated Gaussian Profiles of Implanted Boron and Deep Levels in Silicon.- Redistribution of Boron in Silicon Through High Temperature Proton Irradiation.- Range Distributions of Boron in Silicon Dioxide and the Underlying Silicon Substrate.- Redistribution of Background Impurities in Silicon Induced by Ion Implantation and Annealing.- Implantation of Boron and Lithium in Semiconductors and Metals.- Influence of Annealing and Radiation Damage on Electrical Carriers Profiles in Phosphorus Implanted Silicon Along the |110| Axis.- II-VI Compound Semiconductors and Other Materials.- Ion Implantation of As in CdTe: Electrical Characteristics and Radiation Damage.- Direct Measurement of Impurity and Damage Distribution in Ion Implanted ZnTe by Cathodo and Photoluminescence.- Properties of Al and P Ion-Implanted Layers in ZnSe.- N-Ion Implantation into ZnSe.- Energy Level Analysis of N+ Ions Implanted CdS.- Deep Penetration of Implanted Po in CdS.- ZnS:Mn DC Electroluminescent Cells by Ion Implantation Techniques.- Ion-Bombardment-Induced Surface Expansion of Solids.- Nitrogen Implantation in SiC: Lattice Disorder and Foreign-Atom Location Studies.- Metals.- Enhancement of the Superconducting Transition Temperature by Ion Implantation in Aluminium Thin Films.- The Influence of Heavy Ion Bombardment on the Superconducting Transition Temperature of Thin Films.- Chemical Aspects of Ion Implantation.- Ion Impact Chemistry in Thin Metal Films
  • Argon Oxygen and Nitrogen Bombardment of Tantalum.- Iron Surface Treatment by Boron Implantation.- Ionized-Cluster Beam Deposition.- Effects of Ion Bombardment on Metal-Silicon Interface.- Lattice Location of Deuterium Implanted into W and Cr.- The Formation of Substitutional Alloys in fcc Metals by High Dose Implantations.- The Effect of Ion Implantation on the Corrosion Behaviour of Fe.- A Rutherford Backscattering and Channeling Study of Dy Implanted into Single Crystal Ni.- Radiation Damage I.- Defect Production in Semiconductors.- Transport of Ion Deposited Energy by Recoiling Target Atoms.- Ion Implantation Through Surface Layers: A Truncated Gaussian Model.- The Effects of Non-Gaussian Range Statistics on Energy Deposition Profiles.- Projected Range Distribution of Implanted Ions in a Double-Layer Substrate.- Generation of Knock-Ons in Solids Bombarded with Energetic Ions and Energy Partition Relations.- Defects in Ion Implanted SiO2 Layers on Si.- Secondary Defects in Boron Implanted Silicon.- Ternary Defects Resulting from the Implantation of B, F, BF and BF2 Ions into Silicon, Their Formation and Effect Upon Device Properties.- Techniques for Studying Ion Implantation in Diamond.- The Characterization of Implanted Layers Using the Conductivity Modulation Effect.- Radiation Damage II.- Backscattering and ESR Studies in Heavily Damaged Layer.- On the Determination of Defects Distribution in Implanted Layers by Means of Backscattering Technique.- The Use of Molecular Ions for Implantation Studies in Si and Ge.- Damage Production and Annealing in Implanted Silicon as Studied by Optical Reflectivity Profiling.- Displacement Damage in Ne Implanted Magnesium Oxide.- An EPR Study on High Energy Ion Implanted Silicon.- ESR Line Width of Conduction Electrons in P+ Ion Implanted Si.- ESR Studies on Annealing Behavior of Heavily Damaged Silicon.- ESR Studies of Ion Implanted Si-SiO2 Structure.- Recovery of Silicon Layers Damaged by Low Energy Ion Bombardment.- High Dose Implantation.- Electrical Behaviour of Heavily-Doped Ion Implanted Layers in Silicon.- High Dose Phosphorus-Germanium Double Implantation in Silicon.- Control of Secondary Defects by Tin Diffusion in Ion Implanted Silicon Crystals.- Chemical Composition of High Dose Implants in Silicon and Germanium.- An Experimental Equipment for Ion Implantation.- Devices I.- Ion Implantation into Polycrystalline Silicon.- Ion Implantation of Impurities into Polycrystalline Silicon.- The Effect of Proton Bombardment on Porous Silicon Formation.- P-Type Doping Observed in Silicon Implanted with High Energy Carbon Ions.- Negative and Anisotropic Magnetoresistance in Phosphorus Implanted Silicon.- Enhanced Residual Disorder in Silicon from Recoil Implantation of Oxygen and Nitrogen by Arsenic Implants Through Dielectric Layers.- An Analysis of Arsenic Ion Implantation for Use in Silicon Bipolar Devices.- Ion-Implanted Profiles for High-Frequency (>100GHz) Impatt Diodes.- Noise Characteristics in the Low Frequency Range of Ion-Implanted-Base-Transistor (NPN TYPE).- Devices II.- The Measurement of Doping Uniformity in Ion Implanted Wafers.- Stress Adjustment in SI3N4 Films by Ion Implantation.- Enhanced Oxidation of Silicon by Ion Implantation and its Novel Applications.- Ion Implanted Buried Layers Applied for Nuclear Detector Telescopes.- Limitations of the C-V Technique for Ion-Implanted Profiles.- Gold Implantation in Silicon: MOS C-V Characterization.- Threshold Voltage Shift of MOS-Transistors by Ion Implantation of B, Al, Ga, P and As.- Noise Characteristics of Ion-Implanted MOS Transistors.- Implantation Profile and Buried-Channel Depth in Ion Implanted MIS Structures.- Electrical Behavior of Boron-Implanted MOS Transistor.- List of Authors.

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