
Humics and soils

Robert A. Baker, editor

(Organic substances and sediments in water / Robert A. Baker, editor, v. 1)

Lewis Publishers, c1991


Papers from two symposia held at the American Chemical Society Meeting in Boston, Apr. 22-27, 1990

Includes bibliographical references and index



The fate and transport of natural and anthropogenic sediment-borne organic contaminants is a critical environmental issue and complex processes are involved that until now have been poorly defined. Organic Substances and Sediments in Water is a three-volume book that provides the best information available regarding the many interdisciplinary factors affecting organic substances associated with particulates in water. Topics discussed include absorption and transport of contaminants associated with particles; interfacial processes affecting fate and transport of organic substances associated with particles; the release of contaminants in receiving water bodies; water treatment; the role of biological factors in the fate and transport of organic contaminants in aqueous systems; development of biotransformation in natural and anthropogenic systems; the use of organic contaminant and sediment chemicals; biological and physical data to refine models to be used by resource managers; and chemical and biological processes that affect the fate and transport of organic constituents and determine degradation of contaminants and uptake in plants. This will be an important reference for environmental chemists, environmental engineers, environmental biologists, water treatment and natural system modelers, and soils scientists. VOLUME I: HUMICS AND SOILS


Humic and Other Substances. Organic Substance Structures That Facilitate Contaminant Transport and Transformations in Aquatic Sediments (J.A. Leenheer). The Importance of Humic Substance-Mineral Particle Complexes in the Modeling of Contaminant Transport in Sediment-Water Systems (R.L. Wershaw). Composition of Humin in Stream Sediment and Peat (James A. Rice and Patrick MacCarthy). Particulate and Colloidal Organic Material in Pueblo Reservoir, Colorado: Influence of Autochthonous Source on Chemical Composition (James F. Ranville, Richard A. Harnish, and Diane McKnight). Evidence for the Diffusion of Aquatic Fulvic Acid from the Sediments of Lake Fryxell, Antarctica (George Aiken, Diane M. McKnight, Robert Wershaw, and Laurence Miller). Change in Properties of Humic Substances by H2SO4 Acidification (Egil T. Gjessing, Harry Efraimsen, Magne Grande, Torsten KSllqvist, and Gunnhild Riise). Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbon Binding to Natural Organic Matter: A Comparison of Natural Organic Matter Fractions (Gary L. Amy, Martha H. Conklin, Houmao Liu, and Christopher Cawein). Calorimetric Acid-Base Titrations of Fulvic Acid (Mike Machesky). The Transport and Composition of Humic Substances in Estuaries (Lewis E. Fox). The Hydrolosis of Suwannee River Fulvic Acid (Ronald C. Antweiler). SORPTION INTERACTIONS WITH SOILS, SEDIMENTS, AND DISSOLVED ORGANIC MATTER. Immobilization of Organic Contaminants by Organo-Clays: Application to Soil Restoration and Hazardous Waste Containment (Stephen A. Boyd, William F. Jaynes, and Brenda S. Ross). Effects of Surfactants on the Mobility of Nonpolar Organic Contaminants in Porous Media (James A. Smith, David M. Tuck, Peter R. JaffZ, and Robert T. Mueller). The Effects of Pore-Water Colloids on the Transport of Hydrophobic Organic Compounds from Bed Sediments (G.J. Thoma, A.C. Koulermos, K.T. Valsaraj, D.D. Reible, and L.J. Thibodeaux). A Thermodynamic Partition Model for Binding of Nonpolar Organic Compounds by Organic Colloids and Implications for Their Sorption to Soils and Sediment (Yu-Ping Chin, Walter J. Weber, Jr., and Cary T. Chiou). Applicability of Linear Partitioning Relationships for Sorption of Organic Vapors onto Soil and Soil Minerals (S.K. Ong, S.R. Lindner, and L.W. Lion). Competitive Effects in the Sorption of Nonpolar Organic Compounds by Soils (Joseph J. Pignatello). BIODEGRADATION OF ORGANIC CONTAMINANTS IN SOILS AND SEDIMENTS. Biodegradation of PCBs by Aerobic Microorganisms (Peter Adriaens, Chi-Min Huang, and Dennis D. Focht). Microbial Oxidation of Natural and Anthropogenic Aromatic Compounds Coupled to Fe(III) Reduction (Debra J. Lonergan and Derek R. Lovley). Occurence and Speciation of Naturally Produced Organohalogens in Soil and Water (A. Grimvall, H. BorZn, and G. Asplund). Organic Fertilizers and Humification in Soil (Paolo Sequi, Claudio Ciavatta, and Livia Vittori Antisari). Index.

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