Critical communication studies : communication, history, and theory in America


Critical communication studies : communication, history, and theory in America

Hanno Hardt

(Communication and society)

Routledge, 1992

  • : hbk
  • : pbk


Includes bibliographical references and index

ISBN for hardback issued in 2016: 9781138143944


: hbk ISBN 9780415068192


The development of critical communication studies, with its adoption and integration of theoretical constructs from pragmatism, critical theory and cultural studies, has been a lively and complex process. "Critical Communication Studies" describes the intellectual and professional forces that have shaped research interests and formed alliances in the pursuit of particular goals. It reflects on the need to come to terms with the role of history in academic work and argues that terminologies, areas of scholarly interest and the domination of specific models of communication are products and expressions of cultural and historical conditions. Hanno Hardt skilfully locates this intellectual history within a context of competing social theories and in the proximity of social and political realities. The book provides a substantive foundation for understanding the communication studies field. This book should be of interest to undergraduates, postgraduates and academics in media, communication and cultural studies.

: pbk ISBN 9780415071376


The development of communication studies has been a lively process of adoption and integration of theoretical constructs from Pragmatism, Critical Theory and Cultural Studies. Critical Communication Studies describes the intellectual and professional forces that have shaped research interests and formed alliances in the pursuit of particular goals. Hanno Hardt reflects on the need to come to terms with the role of history in academic work and locates the intellectual history within the context of competing social theories. The book provides a substantive foundation for understanding the field and will be a major text in all courses dealing with communication history and theory.


Preface and acknowledgments, 1 On defining the issues, 2 On discovering communication, 3 On ignoring history, 4 On introducing ideology, 5 On understanding hegemony, 6 On locating critical concerns, 7 Notes and references, Index

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