Anti-semitism in France : a political history from Léon Blum to the present


Anti-semitism in France : a political history from Léon Blum to the present

Pierre Birnbaum ; translated by Miriam Kochan

(Studies in social discontinuity / general editor, Charles Tilly)

B. Blackwell, 1992


Un mythe politique : la "république juive"

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12



Translation of: Un mythe politique : la "république juive"

Includes bibliographical references and index



When the leaders of the French Revolution proclaimed rights of citizenship for all, they didnot exclude the Jews. The Jews thus acquired such rights in France before their brethren in Germany. By the early part of the 20th century, Jews had attained high office in the Civil Service, and in 1936 Blum became Prime Minister. He was followed after the War by Mendes-France. However, the success of such men gave a new urgency to anti-Semitism. This book traces the origins, history and effects of anti-Semitism in France. It sees it as essentially a political phenomenon, dating back to the creation of the Third Republic and living on in the party of Le Pen.


  • Part 1 The fate of Franco-Judaism: between state, republic and socialism
  • Israelite, Jew or Zionist
  • the Jews of France vis-a-vis the Blum and Mendes-France governments. Part 2 Drumont's legacy - Jewish money, perversion and nomadism: the wandering Jew
  • the land and the dead
  • wine, water and milk
  • hermaphroditism and sexual perversion
  • the Anti-Christ
  • bloated capitalist and little revolutionary. Part 3 Political anti-semitism - "The Jewish Republic": a state within the state
  • society betrayed
  • the empire abandoned.

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