Competition in government-financed services


    • Hilke, John C.


Competition in government-financed services

John C. Hilke

Quorum Books, 1992

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 13



Includes bibliographical references (p. [187]-208) and index



This study synthesizes and summarizes the theoretical arguments and empirical evidence that suggest that competition works remarkably well to reduce costs and improve efficiency and innovation, even in an arena where competition has typically been ignored--government-financed services. The arguments and data marshaled here, drawn primarily from the American experience, portray the substantial benefits to consumers and taxpayers that can result from efforts to increase competition in commercial services previously operated as government monopolies. Competition in Government-Financed Services will help fortify the efforts of competition advocates, both in the United States and in the emerging market economies of Eastern Europe and the developing world, to get on with the job of strengthening competition and opening their systems to market forces.


Introduction Federal Government Potential Cost Savings Local Government Potential Cost Savings Sources of Cost Savings Conclusions and Implications Appendix A: Potential Cost Savings from Increased Competition Appendix B: Turf Maintenance Services: An Example of the Stevens (1984) Study Methodology Appendix C: Main Quality of Service Findings and Reasons for Observed Cost Differences in the Stevens (1984) Study Appendix D: Additional Insights from a More Recent Study of Florida Local Government Appendix E: Census, ICMA, and Research Categories Bibliography Index

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