Mechanisms of eukaryotic DNA recombination


Mechanisms of eukaryotic DNA recombination

edited by Max E. Gottesman, Henry J. Vogel

Academic Press, c1992

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Includes bibliographical references and index



Presents advances in eukaryotic genetic recombination and discusses such topics as targeted DNA integration in mammalian genomes, the manipulation of the mouse genome, genetic recombination in "drosophila", "caenorhabditis" and yeast, and genome reorganization and genetic recombination in protozoa.


  • Targeted DNA integration in mammalian cells - chromatid interactions during intrachromasomal recombination in mammalian cells, R.J. Bollag and R.M. Liskey
  • studies in extrachromosomal homologous recombination in mammalian cells - implications for recombination and gene targeting, M. Lin, et al
  • homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells as a means to generate mice with defined mutations, A. Zimmer, et al
  • identification and targeted mutation of developmental genes in mouse embryonic stem cells, J. Rossant, et al
  • DNA insertion phenomena - developmental mutations generated by retroviral insertional mutagenesis, D.A. Gray, et al
  • transfer of yeast artificial chromosomes into cultured cells - a new method for manipulating the mammalian genome, V. Pachnis, et al
  • analysis of the sex-dependent imprinting of a chromosome 13 region using a transgene as a molecular probe, X.Wu, et al
  • a role for transcription in antibody switch recombination, J.A. Griffin and M.E. Reaban
  • genetic recombination in Drosophila and Caenorhabditis - genetic and molecular studies of a simple meiotic system, R.S. Hawley and A.E. Zitron
  • diversity among Drosophila transposable elements and in their effects on gene expression, S.M. Mount
  • meiotic recombination in caenorhabditis elegans, A.M. Rose and K.S. McKim
  • genetic recombination in yeasts and ustilago - saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins that promote hybrid DNA formation in vitro, R.D. Kolodner, et al
  • gap repair in vitro catalyzed by cell-free extracts from yeast, L.S. Symington
  • meitoic recombination in schizo-saccharomyces pombe - genes, enzymes, and sites, G.R. Smith and A.S. Ponticelli
  • genetics and molecular biology of recombination, R. Holliday
  • genetic recombination in trypansomomes and plasmodium - chromosome and telomere structure in trypanosoma brucei, L.H.T. Van der Ploeg, et al
  • use of DNA sequence homology and pseudogenes for the construction of active variable surface antigen genes in trypanosoma equiperidum - how ordered expresson is established, H. Eisen
  • chromosomal size variations in plasmodium falciparum, A.F. Cowman and D.J. Kemp.

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