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Advanced dermatologic diagnosis

Walter B. Shelley, E. Dorinda Shelley

W.B. Saunders, c1992

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Includes bibliographical references and index

Description and Table of Contents


This book provides the latest methods of diagnosis for a myriad of skin disorders from acne to vasculitis. Emphasis is placed on subtleties in differential diagnosis and the text is arranged like a thesaurus for quick reference, with a description of reaction patterns and symptoms for each disease. One comprehensive chapter helps readers develop a systematic diagnostic approach; a complete chapter on laboratory tests outlines which tests should be ordered and why, in different situations and numerous case reports prepare readers for managing various conditions they may encounter in practice.

Table of Contents

  • Principia diagnostica
  • Zen and the fine art of diagnosis
  • what to do when the pathologist doesn't know either
  • the compleat diagnostician's bookshelf
  • diagnostic sources and resources
  • single alphabetical listing of diseases - reaction patterns - symptoms
  • diagnostic aphorisms at end of each disease pattern or symptom.

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