Signs and wonders : saints, miracles and prayer from the 4th century to the 14th


Signs and wonders : saints, miracles and prayer from the 4th century to the 14th

Benedicta Ward

(Collected studies series, CS361)

Ashgate/Variorum, c1992

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7



A collection of the author's articles and papers, variously published

Includes bibliographical references and index

"This volume contains xiii + 300 pages"--P. viii



This book is concerned with the concepts of Christian holiness and spirituality, from Late Antiquity through to the Middle Ages. The first group of articles focuses on the Desert Fathers, the following ones examine key figures in the monastic history of the medieval West, dealing above all with England and with Bede and Anselm of Canterbury. Throughout, Benedicta Ward's aim has been to find an approach that makes full sense of Christian writings, notably the hagiography, miracles and all. This should not be seen, she argues, simply as biography, nor as a quarry for information on social history, valuable though it may be for those purposes. The primary object of these Lives - as of the people about whom they were written - was religious; to neglect this meaning is to risk fundamentally misunderstanding these texts. Ce volume traite des concepts de la saintete et de la spiritualite chretiennes, de l'Antiquite tardive jusqu'au Moyen Age. Le premier groupe d'etudes se concentre sur les Peres du Desert, les suivants font l'examen de personnages-clefs dans l'histoire monastique de l'Occident medieval, s'attachant avant tout A l'Angleterre et A Bede et Anselme de Cantorbery. Benedicta Ward A pour propos constant de trouver une approche rendent tout son sens A la litterature chretienne et notamment A la litterature hagiographique, miracles et autres. Bien que valable A ces deux niveaux, ceci ne devrait pas Atre perAu, souligne-t'elle, en tant que simple biographie, ni en tant que source d'information sur l'histoire sociale. L'objet premier de ces Vies est d'ordre religieux; toute negligence de ce sens peut mener A une mecomprehension fondamentale de ces textes.


  • Contents: Foreword
  • Hagiography and history: an introduction
  • Apophthegmata Matrum
  • Signs and wonders: miracles in the Desert tradition
  • The desert of the heart: importance of the Desert Fathers today
  • The image of the prostitute, from the 4th to the 12th centuries
  • Traditions of spiritual guidance: spiritual direction in the Desert Fathers
  • Discernment: a rare bird
  • A Tractarian inheritance: the religious life in a Patristic perspective
  • The miracles of St Benedict
  • Miracles and history: a reconsideration of the miracle stories used by Bede
  • The spirituality of St Cuthbert
  • Theodore of Tarsus: a Greek archbishop of Canterbury
  • Bede and the conversion of the Anglo-Saxons
  • A converting ordinance: Bede and the hymns of Charles Wesley
  • Translator's charity
  • Anselm of Canterbury: a monastic scholar
  • The place of Anselm in the development of Christian prayer
  • "Inward feeling and deep thinking": the prayers and meditations of St Anselm revisited
  • The Desert myth: reflections on the Desert ideal in early Cistercian monasticism
  • St Bernard and the Anglican Divines
  • The relationship between hermits and communities in the 12th century
  • The wounds of Christ: a medieval devotion and the Methodist revival
  • Laudabiliter vixit: the death of the Saints in some 12th-century sources
  • Saints and Sibyls: from Hildegard of Bingen to Teresa of Avila
  • "Faith seeking understanding": Anselm of Canterbury and Julian of Norwich
  • Julian the Solitary
  • Index.

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