Twentieth-century Britain : national power and social welfare


Twentieth-century Britain : national power and social welfare

edited with an introduction by Henry R. Winkler

(Modern scholarship on European history)

New Viewpoints, 1976

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 16



Bibliography: p. [259]-262

Includes index


  • 1917-1919 : the implications for Britain / F.S. Northedge
  • After the deluge / A. Marwick
  • Lloyd George and Churchill as War Ministers / J. Ehrman
  • Imperial defence policy and Imperial foreign policy, 1911-1939 / D.C. Watt
  • The conservative tradition and its reformulations / W.L. Burn
  • The British Labour Party : the conflict between socialist idealsand practical politics between the wars / R.W. Lyman
  • The British Labour Party in the contemporary world / H.R. Winkler
  • The making of the welfare state in England / K. Woodroofe
  • The Labour Party and the welfare state in Britain, 1900-1948 / A. Marwick
  • The future of the welfare state / D.C. Marsh
  • Britain in transit / D. Calleo
  • Britain as a second-rank power / F.S. Northedge
  • Epilogue : British elections / M. Mosettig

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