The economics of the environment
The economics of the environment
(The international library of critical writings in economics / series editor, Mark Blaug, 20)(An Elgar reference collection)
E. Elgar, c1992
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全100件
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The Economics of the Environment is a working collection of the leading papers in the field of environmental economics. It presents within the compass of a single volume the two central issues in environmental economics: the theory and practice of economic regulation and the valuation of environmental amenities. Wallace E. Oates has included both the classics, the seminal papers in the field, and some of the recent work that is making an important contribution to the economic analysis of environmental problems.
PART I: Environmental Economics: An Overview
R. U. Ayres and A. V. Kneese (1969), 'Production, Consumption, and Externalities'
PART II: The Theory of Environmental Regulation
W. J. Baumol (1972), 'On Taxation and the Control of Externalities'
B. J. Spulber (1985), 'Effluent Regulation and Long-Run Optimality'
W. J. Baumol and D. F. Bradford (1972), 'Detrimental Externalities and Non-Convexity of the Production Set'
R. H. Coase (1960), 'The Problem of Social Cost'
R. Turvey (1963), 'On Divergences Between Social Cost and Private Cost'
M. L. Weitzman (1974), 'Prices vs. Quantities'
Z. Adar and J.M.. Griffin (1976), 'Uncertainty and the Choice of Pollution Control Instruments'
M. J. Roberts and M. Spence (1976), 'Effluent Charges and Licenses Under Uncertainty'
PART III: The Deign and Implementation of Environmental Policy
W. J. Baumol and W. E. Oates (1971), 'The Use of Standards and Prices for Protection of the Environment'
J. H. Dale (1968), 'Land, Water and Ownership'
D. W. Montgomery (1972), 'Markets in licenses and Efficient Pollution Control Programs'
T. H. Tietenberg (1980), 'Transferable Discharge Permits and the Control of Stationary Source Air Pollution: A Survey and Synthesis'
W. O'Neil, M. David, C. Moore and E. Joeres (1983), 'Transferable Discharge Permits and Economic Efficiency: The Fox River'
E. P. Seskin, R. J. Anderson, Jr., and R. O. Reid (1983), 'An Empirical Analysis of Economic Strategies for Controlling Air Pollution'
W. E. Oates and D. L. Strassman (1984), 'Effluent Fees and Market Structure'
R. W. Hahn (1989), 'Economic Prescriptions for Environmental Problems: How the Patient Followed the Doctor's Orders'
PART IV: Measuring the Benefits and Costs of Environmental Amenities
M. Clawson (1959), 'Methods of ~Measuring the Demand for and Value of Outdoor Recreation'
J. L. Knetsch and R. K. Davis (1966), 'Comparisons of Methods for Recreation Evaluation'
K-G. Maler (1971), 'A Method of Estimating Social Benefits from Pollution Control'
R. G. Ridker and J. A. Henning (1967), 'The Determinants of Residential Property Values with Special Reference to Air Pollution'
S. Rosen (1974), 'Hedonic Prices and Implicit Markets: Product Differentiation in Pure Competition'
N. E. Bockstael and K. E. McConnell (1983), 'Welfare Measurement in the Household Production Framework'
W. Harrington, A. . Krupnick and W. O. Spofford, Jr. (1989), 'The Economic Losses of a Waterborne Disease Outbreak'
B. A. Weisbrod (1964), 'Collective-consumption Services of Individual-consumption Goods'
A. Randall, B. Ives and C. Eastman (1974), 'Bidding Games for Valuation of Aesthetic Environmental Improvements'
D. S. Brookshire, M. A. Thayer, W. D. Schulze, and R. C. D'Arge (1982), 'Valuing Public Goods: A Comparison of Survey and Hedonic Approaches'
W. . Hanemann (1991), 'Willingness to pay and Willingness to Accept: How Much Can They Differ?'
M. Hazilla, R. J. Kopp (1990), 'Social Cost of Environmental Quality Regulations: A General Equilibrium Analysis'
PART V: The Enforcement of Environmental Policies
P. B. Downing and W. D. Watson, Jr. (1974), 'The Economics of Enforcing Air Pollution Controls'
J. D. Bradford (1978), 'Firm Behavior Under Imperfectly Enforcable Pollution Standards and Taxes'
W. Harrington (1988), 'Enforcement Leverage When Penalties are Restricted'
PART VI: The Economics of Conversation
J. V. Krutilla (1967), 'Conservation Reconsidered'
A. C. Fisher, J. V. Krutilla and C. . Cicchetti (1972), 'The Economics of Environmental Preservation: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis'
K. J. Arrow and A. C. Fisher (1974), 'Environmental Preservation, Uncertainy and Irreversibility'
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