Vital and health statistics
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, National Center for Health Statistics , For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off
関連文献: 18件中 1-18を表示
- Design and operation of the national survey of children's health, 2003 : programs and collection procedures
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services : Centers for Disease Control and prevention : National Center for Health Statistics , For sale by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs. 2005 Vital and health statistics Ser. 1,
no. 43 , DHHS publication no. (PHS) 2005-1319 所蔵館1館
- Surgical sterilization in the United States : prevalence and characteristics, 1965-95
Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center For Health Statistics 1998 DHHS publication no. (PHS)98-1996 , Vital and health statistics Series 23 . Data from the National Survey of Family Growth ; no. 20
- Common beliefs about the rural elderly : what do national data tell us?
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Center for Health Statistics 1993 Vital and health statistics Series 3,
Analytical and epidemiological studies ; no. 28 , DHHS publication no. (PHS) 93-1412
- Health data on older Americans : United States, 1992
U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics , For sale by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs. [1993] DHHS publication no. (PHS) 93-1411 , Vital and health statistics Series 3 . Analytic and epidemiological studies ; no. 27
- Health promotion and disease prevention : United States 1990
[by Andrea L. Piani and Charlotte A. Schoenborn]
U.S. Dept . of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics [1993] Vital and health statistics Series 10 . Data from the national health survey ; no. 185 , DHHS publication no. (PHS) 93-1513
- Health data on older Americans : United States, 1992
U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Center for Health Statistics : For sale by the U.S. G.P.O. [1993] DHHS publication no. (PHS) 93-1411 , Vital and health statistics Series 3,
Analytical and epidemiological studies ; no. 27
- Proceedings of 1988 International Symposium on Data on Aging
Manning Feinleib, editor
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Center for Health Statistics 1991 Vital and health statistics Series 5 . Comparative international vital and health statistics report ; no. 6 , DHHS publication no. (PHS) 91-1482
- Comparison of health expenditures in France and the United States, 1950-78
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Center for Health Statistics 1983 Vital and health statistics Series 3 . Analytical and epidemiological studies ; no. 21 , DHHS publication no. (PHS) 83-1405
- Basic data on visits to family planning services sites, United States, 1980
[by Bettie L. Hudson]
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, Natioal Center for Health Statistics 1982 Vital and health statistics Series 13,
Data from the national health survey ; no. 68 所蔵館1館
- Working women and childbearing, United States
[H. Theodore Groat ... et. al.]
U.S. Dept . of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, National Center for Health Statistics [1982] Vital and health statistics Series 23 . Data from the national survey of family growth ; no. 9 , DHHS publication no. (PHS) 82-1985
: pbk
- Patterns of employment before and after childbirth : United States
U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, National Center for Health Statistics 1980 Vital and health statistics Series 23 . Data from the national survey of family growth ; no. 4 , DHEW publication no. (PHS)80-1980
- The national nursing home survey : 1977 summary for the United States
Joan F. Van Nostrand ... [et al.], Division of Health Resources Utilization Statistics
Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, National Center for Health Statistics , for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off. 1979 Vital and health statistics Series 13,
Data from the national health survey ; no. 43 , DHEW publication no. (PHS) 79-1974 pbk.
- An assessment of the occlusion of the teeth of children 6-11 years, United States : estimates of the distribution of selected major components of occlusion among children; the prevalence of degrees of malocclusion; the average treatment priority index per child by age, sex, race, family income, parent's education, and region of residence; and a brief analysis of the relationship of occlusal status with thumbsucking and a reported need for orthodontic care
[by James E. Kelly, Marcus Sanchez, and Lawrence E. Van Kirk]
National Center for Health Statistics , For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office 1973 Vital and health statistics Series 11,
Data from the national health survey ; no. 130 , DHEW publication no. (HRA)74-1612 所蔵館1館
- Subtest estimates of the WISC full scale IQ's for children
[by Jane R. Mercer and Joyce M. Smith]
National Center for Health Statistics, [for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.] 1972 Vital and health statistics ser. 2 . Data evaluation and methods research ; no. 47 , DHEW publication no. (HSM) 72-1047
- Decayed, missing, and filled teeth among children, United States
[by James E. Kelly and James V. Scanlon]
U.S. National Center for Health Statistics , For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office 1971 Vital and health statistics Series 11: Data from the National Health Survey. Data from the health examination survey,
no. 106 , DHEW publication no. (HMS)72-1003 所蔵館1館
- Design of sample surveys to estimate the prevalence of rare diseases : three unbiased estimates
U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare , Public Health Service 1965 Vital and health statistics Series 2,
Data evaluation and methods research ; no. 11 , Public Health Service publication no. 1000, ser. 2, no. 11
- An index of health : mathematical models
U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare , Public Health Service 1965 Vital and health statistics Series 2,
Data evaluation and methods research ; no. 5 , Public Health Service publication no. 1000, ser. 2, no. 5 所蔵館1館
- Health insurance : type of insuring organizaiton and multiple coverage, United States, July 1962-June 1963
U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Servis 1965 Public Health Service publication no. 1000,
ser. 10 . Data form from the national health interview survey , Vital and health statistics 所蔵館1館