Civil Code : official California Civil Code classification


Civil Code : official California Civil Code classification

(West's annotated California codes, 6 pt. 1-2, 6A, 7, 7A, 8, 8A, 8B, 9, 9A pt. 1-4, 9B-9C, 10, 10A, 11, 11A, 12, 12A pt. 1-2, 12B pt. 1-2, 12C-12D)

Thomson Reuters, c1954-



大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10

  • 金沢大学 附属図書館中央図書庫

    Sections 1 to 653320.953:C153:68000-35929-4, Sections 654 to 1090320.953:C153:78000-35930-8, Sections 1091 to 1456320.953:C153:88000-35931-6, Sections 1457 to 1618320.953:C153:8A8000-35932-4, Sections 1619 to 1707320.953:C153:98000-35933-2, Sections 1708 to 1812320.953:C153:9A8000-35934-0, Sections 1813 to 2214320.953:C153:108000-35935-9, Sections 2215 to 2394320.953:C153:10A8000-35936-7, Sections 2395 to 2980.5320.953:C153:118000-35937-5, Sections 2981 to 3273320.953:C153:11A8000-35938-3, Sections 3274 to 3999320.953:C153:128000-35939-1, Sections 4000 to 5099320.953:C153:12A8000-35940-5, Sections 5100 to end320.953:C153:12B8000-35941-3

  • 九州大学 中央図書館

    Sections 1 to 192A 05/C/3015232003024590, Sections 1091 to 1618A 05/C/3015232003024601, Sections 1619 to 1812A 05/C/3015232003024613, Sections 1813 to 2394A 05/C/3015232003024625, Sections 193 to 1090A 05/C/3015232003024702, Sections 2395 to 3273A 05/C/3015232003024637, Sections 3274 to endA 05/C/3015232003024640, Text and indexA 05/C/3015232003025348

  • 近畿大学 中央図書館中図

    Sections 3274 to 3999320.95393-C13-1210168834

  • 久留米大学 附属図書館 御井学舎分館

    Sections 1 to 65310159937, Sections 654 to 109010159938, Sections 1457 to 161810159939, Sections 1619 to 170710159940, Sections 1708 to 181210159941, Sections 1813 to 221410159942, Sections 2215 to 239410159943, Sections 3274 to 399910159945, Sections 4000 to 509910159946, Sections 5100 to end10159947

  • 神戸大学 附属図書館 社会科学系図書館

    Sections 1 to 53320.953-WE-6011200700539, Sections 54 to 797320.953-WE-6A011200700540, Sections 798 to 889320.953-WE-7011200700541, Sections 890 to 1134.99320.953-WE-7A011200700542, Sections 1135 to 1456350.953-WE-8011200700543, Sections 1457 to 1618320.953-WE-8A011000373001, Sections 1619 to 1666.9320.953-WE-8B011201101811, Sections 1667 to 1707320.953-WE-9011201101812, Sections 1708 to 1737320.953-WE-9A/1011200901118, Sections 1738 to 1797.99320.953-WE-9A/2011200901119, Sections 1798 to 1812.999320.953-WE-9B011200901120, Sections 1813 to 1939320.953-WE-9C011201000713, Sections 1940 to 2214320.953-WE-10011201000714, Sections 2215 to 2394320.953-WE-10A011000403252, Sections 2395 to 2944.9320.953-WE-11011201201718, Sections 2945 to 3273.9320.953-WE-11A011201201719, Sections 3274 to 33659320.953-WE-12011009709318, Sections 3366 to 3478320.953-WE-12A011009709319, Sections 3479 to 8119320.953-WE-12B011201201720, Sections 8120 to 8999320.953-WE-12C011201201721, Sections 9000 to end, Index320.953-WE-12D011201201722

  • 東京大学 法学部

    Sections 1 to 46.9 (6 pt. 1)W23C3::W544113305678, Sections 47 to 53.9 (6 pt. 2)W23C3::W544113305686, Sections 54 to 706 (6A)W23C3::W544113601514, Sections 707 to 814 (6B)W23C3::W544113601522, Sections 815 to 999 (7)W23C3::W544113601530, Sections 1000 to 1134.99 (7A)W23C3::W544113601548, Sections 1135 to 1456 (8)W23C3::W544111724326, Sections 1457 to 1575 (8A)W23C3::W544113662490, Sections 1576 to 1634 (8B)W23C3::W544113662508, Sections 1635 to 1669.9 (8C)W23C3::W544113662516, Sections 1670 to 1707 (9)W23C3::W544113662524, Sections 1708 to 1714 (pt. 1 of 2) (9A pt. 1)W23C3::W544113181293, Sections 1714 (pt. 2 of 2) to 1737 (9A pt. 2)W23C3::W544113181301, Sections 1738 to 1785.9 (9A pt. 3)W23C3::W544113181319, Sections 1785.10 to 1797.99 (9A pt. 4)W23C3::W544113181327, Sections 1798 to 1806 (9B)W23C3::W544113495792, Sections 1806.1 to 1883.9 (9C)W23C3::W544113495800, Sections 1884 to 1946.99 (10)W23C3::W544113496063, Sections 1947 to 2214 (10A)W23C3::W544113496071, Sections 2215 to 2394 (10B)W23C3::W544113496089, Sections 2395 to 2944.9 (11)W23C3::W544112369550, Sections 2945 to 3273.9 (11A)W23C3::W544112369568, Sections 3274 to 3332 (12)W23C3::W544112885654, Sections 3333 to 3398 (12A pt. 1)W23C3::W544112885662, Sections 3399 to 3478 (12A pt. 2)W23C3::W544112885670, Sections 3479 to 4699 (12B pt. 1)W23C3::W544112885688, Sections 4700 to 8119 (12B pt. 2)W23C3::W544112885696, Sections 8120 to 8999 (12C)W23C3::W544112369584, Sections 9000 to end, index (12D)W23C3::W544112369592

  • 一橋大学 附属図書館

    Sections 2395 to 2944.9 (2012)3209:13:11/2012121016966W, Sections 2945 to 3273.9 (2012)3209:13:11A/2012121016967X, Sections 3479 to 8119 (2012)3209:13:12B/2012121016968Y, Sections 8120 to 8999 (2012)3209:13:12C/2012121016969Z, Sections 9000 to End (2012)3209:13:12D/2012121016970R, Sections 1 to 653 (1982)Mb:200:6/1982128043623T, Sections 654 to 1090 (1982)Mb:200:7/1982128043624U, Sections 1091 to 1456 (1982)Mb:200:8/1982128043625V, Sections 1457 to 1618 (1982)Mb:200:8A/1982128043626W, Sections 1619 to 1707 (1985)Mb:200:9/1985128043627X, Sections 1708 to 1812 (1985)Mb:200:9A/1985128043628Y, Sections 1813 to 2214 (1985)Mb:200:10/1985128043629Z, Sections 2215 to 2394 (1985)Mb:200:10A/1985128043630R, Sections 2395 to 3273 (1974)Mb:200A:11/1974128043631S, Sections 3274 to 3999 (1970)Mb:200:12/1970128043632T, Sections 4000 to 5099 (1983)Mb:200:12A/1983128043633U, Sections 5100 to end (1983)Mb:200:12B/1983128043634V, Sections 2395 to 2980.5 (1993)Mb:200:11/1993129302737Y, Sections 2981 to 3273 (1993)Mb:200:11A/1993129302738Z, Sections 3479 to End (1997)3209:13A:12B/1997129705017W, Sections 1 to 53 (2007)3209:13:6/2007120700853Q, Sections 1708 to 1785.40 (1998)3209:13:9A/1998129801350T, Sections 54 to 797 (2007)3209:13:6A/2007120700854R, Sections 1785.41 to 1812.999 (1998)3209:13:9B/1998129801351U, Sections 798 to 889 (2007)3209:13:7/2007120700855S, Sections 3274 to 3365 (1997)3209:13:12/1997129705015U, Sections 890 to 1134.99 (2007)3209:13:7A/2007120700856T, Sections 3366 to 3478 (1997)3209:13:12A/1997129705016V, Sections 1135 to 1456 (2007)3209:13:8/2007120700857U, Sections 1619 to 1666.9 (2011)3209:13:8B/2011121010346I, Sections 1667 to 1707 (2011)3209:13:9/2011121010347J, Sections 1708 to 1737 (2009)3209:13:9A/1/2009120900334M, Sections 1738 to 1797.99 (2009)3209:13:9A/2/2009120900335N, Sections 1798 to 1812.999 (2009)3209:13:9B/2009120900336O, Sections 1813 to 1939 (2010)3209:13:9C/2010121000834J, Sections 1940 to 2214 (2010)3209:13:10/2010121000835K, Sections 3274 to 3332 (2016)3209:13:12/2016121039722R, Sections 3333 to 3398 (2016)3209:13:12A/1/2016121039723S, Sections 3399 to 3478 (2016)3209:13:12A/2/2016121039724T, Sections 3479 to 4699 (2016)3209:13:12B/1/2016121039725U, Sections 4700 to 8119 (2016)3209:13:12B/2/2016121039726V

  • 横浜国立大学 附属図書館

    Sections 1 to 653320.953||WE02744976, Sections 654 to 1090320.953||WE02744988, Sections 1091 to 1456320.953||WE02744991, Sections 1457 to 1618320.953||WE02745003, Sections 1619 to 1707320.953||WE02745015, Sections 1708 to 1812320.953||WE02745027, Sections 1813 to 2214320.953||WE02745030, Sections 2215 to 2394320.953||WE02745042, Sections 3274 to 3999320.953||WE02745066, Sections 4000 to 5099320.953||WE02745078, Sections 5100 to end320.953||WE02745081

  • 横浜国立大学 附属図書館

    Sections 2395 to 3273320.953||WE02745054

  • 立教大学 図書館

    Sections 1 to 65387E04334, Sections 1091 to 145687E04336, Sections 1457 to 161887E04337, Sections 1619 to 170787E04338, Sections 1708 to 181287E04339, Sections 1813 to 221487E04340, Sections 2215 to 239487E04341, Sections 3274 to 399987E04343, Sections 4000 to 509987E04344, Sections 5100 to end87E04345

  • 該当する所蔵館はありません
  • すべての絞り込み条件を解除する



Kept up-to-date by pocket parts, supplementary pamphlets and replacement vols

Imprint varies: West Pub. Co., -c1997 ; West Group, c1998-c2002 ; Thomson/West, c2003-c2008 ; West, c2009- ; Thomson Reuters, c2016-

Description based on: Sections 1 to 46.9 (c2020)

Includes index

関連文献: 1件中  1-1を表示

  • West's annotated California codes

    West Pub. Co. 1954-

    General index. A to B , General index. C , General index. D to G , General index. H to L , General index. M to O , General index. P to R , General index. S , General index. T to Z. Pupular name table , 1959 supplement , Suppl. 1992 pocket parts , 1995 general index. A to C , 1995 general index. D to I , 1995 general index. J to O , 1995 general index. P to S , 1995 general index. T to Z. Popular name table



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  • 出版地
    [St. Paul, Minn.]
  • ページ数/冊数
  • 大きさ
    26 cm
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