Recent results on Mars and Venus : proceedings of Symposium 3, and of the Topical Meetings of the COSPAR Interdisciplinary Scientific Commission C(Meeting C1) and D(Meeting D1) of the COSPAR Twenty-eighth Plenary Meeting held in The Hague, The Netherlands, 25 June-6 July 1990
Recent results on Mars and Venus : proceedings of Symposium 3, and of the Topical Meetings of the COSPAR Interdisciplinary Scientific Commission C(Meeting C1) and D(Meeting D1) of the COSPAR Twenty-eighth Plenary Meeting held in The Hague, The Netherlands, 25 June-6 July 1990
(Advances in space research, vol. 12,
Pergamon Press, c1992
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全3件
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The twenty-nine papers presented in this volume have been divided into three chapters. Latest results on Mars and Phobos Studies accounts for five papers in Chapter 1. Recent results on Venus presents observational studies of the Venus lower, middle and upper atmospheres including continuing Pioneer Venus and Venera spacecraft data analysis and initial analysis of data from the Galileo encounter. Other topics include comparisons between the Venus and Earth atmospheres, observations of Venus from Earth and possible future exploration of the Venus atmosphere. The final chapter contains fourteen papers under the heading Martian Plasma Environment.
- Chapter headings and selected papers: Latest Results on Mars and Phobos Studies. Characteristics of aerosols phenomena in Martian atmosphere from KRFM experiment data, V I Moroz et al . Phobos map and Phobos globe, L M Bugaevsky et al . Submicron-sized dust grains in the Martian environment, M Tatrallyay et al . Recent Results on Venus. Venus: lessons for Earth, D M Hunten. The Venus ashen light: results of the 1988 observing campaign, J L Phillips & C T Russe
- l. Thermal fluxes and cooling rates in the Venus atmosphere from Venera-15 infrared spectrometer data, D V Titov et al . Imaging of Venus from Galileo: early results and camera performance, M J S Belton et al . Venus thermospheric response to short-term solar variations, G M Keating & S M Bough
- r. Martian Plasma Environment. The solar wind interaction with Mars: a review of results from previous Soviet missions to Mars, O L Vaisberg. Bow shocks and magnetotails of Venus and Mars: a comparison, C T Russell et al . The plasma environment of Mars: Phobos mission results. A 1990 status, A V Zakharov. Energetic particle studies at Mars by sled on Phobos 2, S McKenna-Lawlor et al . Waves and cold plasmas near Mars, R Grard et al . Solar wind-driven plasma flows in the Venus and Mars ionospheres, H Perez-de-Tejada. Author Index.
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