Hispanic studies in honour of Geoffrey Ribbans
Hispanic studies in honour of Geoffrey Ribbans
Liverpool University Press, 1992
- : pbk.
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全2件
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At head of title: Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, special homage volume (1992)
English and Spanish text
Includes bibliographical references
This volume contains thirty-four original research-articles, dealing with varied themes, authors, periods and preoccupations in Hispanic literature, society and culture: More's "Utopia" and an early Spanish translation, Lope de Vega and Shakespeare, Calderon, Cervantes, "Cafes in fortunata y Jacinta", Unamuno, Machado, Baroja and the modernist aesthetic, realism in the post war novel, death and resurrection in Lorca, play into film, Juan Ramon Jimenez, language and cultural identity, reading Valente, Salvador Espriu and Narcis Oller, Eca de Queiroz, Jose Regio and Peruvian poet-novelists.
- Introduction and bibliography, Ann L. Mackenzie. Part 1 - the Middle Ages and the Siglo de Oro: medieval Spain - some evidence on oath, Derek W. Lomax
- the realism of Ramon Llull's Blanquerna, Eamonn Rodgers
- una temprana traduccion espanola de la utopia de Tomas Moro, Francisco Lopez Estrada
- Cervantes' exemplary picaros, M. J. Thacker
- Rinconete y cortadillo - an extreme case of irony, Frank Pierce
- laying the ghost - the colera of Vincente espinel, A.A. Heathcote
- amor "regalado"/amor "ofendido" - las ficciones del yo lirico en las Rimas (1609) de lope de vega, Antonio Carreno
- la dorotea y la elegia di madonna fiammetta, Alan S. Trueblood
- elizabethan hispanists, lope de vega and Shakespeare, Kenneth Muir
- calderon in 1643, J.E. Varey and Charles Davis
- Pedro Francisco Lanini Sagredo (1640-1715) - a catalogue, with analyses of his comedia, Ann L. Mackenzie. Part 2 The modern period: Francisco Giner de los Rios - el arte de :hacer hombres", Juan Lopez-Morillas
- cafes in fortunata y jacinta, Peter A. Bly
- the meanings of os maias - the role gambetta, John Gledson
- "artistic thinking" in Narcis Oller's la bogeria, Alan Yates
- the tragic sense of Niebla, Nicholas G. Round
- why did unamuro write Sombras de sueno?, Roger Wright
- camino de perfeccion and the modernist aesthetic, C. A. Longhurst
- prehistoria e historia del "garabato de ciguena machadiano, Alessandro la Martinengo
- on machado's a orillas del duero, Colin Smith
- el legado poetico de Juan Ramon Jimenez, Rafael Lapesa
- lorca's San Rafael (Cordoba) - a bridge over troubled waters, Patricia McDermott
- negros maniquis de sastre, death and resurrection in lorca's "Martirio de Santa Olalla", Javier Herrero
- como canta la zumaya - an ornithological excursus on Lorca's "Romance de la luna" luna, K.M. Sibbald
- saura's bodas de sangre - play into film, Gwynne Edwards
- a tematica no teatro de Jose Regio, Maria guterres
- two poet-novelists of Peru, James Higgins
- realismo en la novela espanola de la posguerra - teoria y practica claves pata un estudio de la poesia de blas de otero, Hans Flasche
- dues cartes inedites de Salvador Espriu sobre "el caminant i el mur", Antonio Vilanova
- reading Valente - a preface to tres lecciones de tinieblas, Arthur Terry
- the apotheosis of blimunda - an opera by Azio Corghi based on Jose Saramago's memorial do convento, Giovanni Pontiero
- ethics and aesthetics in Almodovar's matador, Dominic Keown
- el idioma como factor de la identidad cultural - el caso de cataluna, Gustav Siebenmann.
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