Computer modelling of biomolecular processes


Computer modelling of biomolecular processes

J.M. Goodfellow and D.S. Moss

(Ellis Horwood series in molecular biology)

E. Horwood, 1992


Includes bibliographical references and index



This book brings together many areas of study, which together are classed as molecular modelling, relevant to modern molecular biology. Many of these areas involve basic techniques, already covered in basic textbooks: the application of these techniques to the field of molecular biology is novel, and usually only covered in specialist journals or books based on scientific meetings covering only one week. The book consists of 12 chapters, each covering specific techniques or applications to specific systems. Mathematical techniques are summarized, with references pointing towards more detailed texts. This is a highly topical area, relevant to molecular biology, reviewing ongoing research areas. The text should be beneficial to chemical and pharmaceutical companies which have installed large computers and computer graphics systems for research programmes in molecular modelling.


  • Computing and molecules
  • analysis of molecular geometry
  • molecular geometry
  • protein structure databases - design and application
  • the representation of molecular structure on a computer graphics system
  • potential energy functions
  • biomolecular mechanics
  • computer simulation - techniques and applications
  • computer modelling of biomolecular processes
  • enzyme kinetics.

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