CO[2] and biosphere


CO[2] and biosphere

edited by J. Rozema ... [et al.]

(Advances in vegetation science, v. 14)

Kluwer Academic, c1993

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 14



"Reprinted from Vegetatio, volume 104/105"

Includes bibliographical references and index



An international workshop on `CO2 and Biosphere' was held in Wageningen, the Netherlands on 15-19 November 1991 as part of the activities of the CO2 Commission of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research: this volume includes 32 papers presented at the workshop. The CO2 Commission stimulates and coordinates a broad range of research projects related to the greenhouse effect. This is reflected in the scope of papers presented, ranging from detailed analyses of ecological and physiological effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment to biosphere-atmosphere aspects, such as regional evaporation, energy balance and ecosystem responses. Relevant directions for future research are indicated by presentations on carbon fluxes in the soil, secondary plant metabolism and plant-insect interactions.


Preface. Methodology. Ecophysiological and Ecosystem Responses: Effects of CO2 Enrichment on Growth and Production. Response to CO2 Enrichment: Interaction with Soil and Atmospheric Conditions. Indirect Responses to CO2 Enrichment: Interactions with Soil Organisms and Soil Processes. CO2 Enrichment: Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange. Index.

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