Algorithms and architectures for real-time control : preprints of the IFAC workshop, Seoul, Korea, 31 August-2 September 1992
Algorithms and architectures for real-time control : preprints of the IFAC workshop, Seoul, Korea, 31 August-2 September 1992
Published for the International Federation of Automatic Control by Pergamon Press, 1992
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全7件
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"IFAC Workshop on Algorithms and Architectures for Real-Time Control"--P. iii
Includes bibliographical references and indexes
This workshop focuses on such issues as control algorithms which are suitable for real-time use, computer architectures which are suitable for real-time control algorithms and applications for real-time control issues in the areas of parallel algorithms. It also considers multiprocessor systems, neural networks, fault-tolerance systems, real-time robot control identification, real-time filtering algorithms and control algorithms, as well as fuzzy control, adaptive and self-tuning control and real-time control applications.
Section headings and selected papers: Issues in Real-Time Control. Contemporary computers considered in appropriate for real-time control,W.A. Halang. Hard deadlines in real-time control systems, K. C. Shin & H. KirrL Parallel Algorithms. Parallel algorithms for control, G. W. Irwin. Multiprocessor Systems. Fault-Tolerant Systems. Neural Networks. A parallel algorithm for training neural network based non-linear models, G. Lightbody & G. W. Irwin. edge selection by the modified genetic algorithmic. H. Chung &K. S. Lee. Identification. Index scheduling policies applied to identification, C. Olivier & 0. Dessoude. A curve-broken-line method for system identification, F. Kong & R. M. C. De Keyser. Real-Time Robot Control. A new dynamic neurocontrol architecture for robot manipulators, Y. J. Moon & S. Y. Oh. Realtime algorithm of the inverse dynamics of flexible arms, G. Wang & G. Lu. Real-Time Filtering Algorithms. Structured matrices and fast RLS adaptive filtering, A. H. Sayed & T. Kailath. On stochastic lyapunov function method in optimal linear filtering problem, H. S. Hoang & 0. Tatagrand. Fuzzy Control. A new decomposition method of relation matrices of multivariable fuzzy system, G. J. jeon et al. Identification of fuzzy control rules utilizing genetic algorithms and its application to mobile robot, H. S. Hwang et al. Adaptive and Self-Tuning Control. Synthesis of adaptive control systems for robots, V. F. Filaretov. A simplified robust predictive controller in the pressure of exogenous bounded disturbances, G. H. Wu & X. Y. Gu. Control Algorithms. A study on the animal time control problem of a quantized linear discrete system with rational coefficients, T. Munakata. Real-Time Control Applications. Real-time cell control for flexible manufacturing, A. Fahim & K. H. Choi. Author index. Keyword index.
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