The politics
The politics
(Great books in philosophy)
Prometheus Books, 1986
- : pbk
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大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全1件
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Building upon the foundations of his seminal discussion of the good life, virtue, happiness, and the golden mean in the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle now turns his attention to man as a political being and to the nature of the state. How do human relationships mirror specific political associations? What is the nature of political man? What is the proper purpose of the state with respect to those it governs? Who should rule, and what are the characteristics of those who govern well? Can anyone make the laws for the society, or is this function best suited to certain members of the community? How should a regime rule in order to achieve the purpose of government? These questions are addressed by Aristotle within the context of his description and analysis of the political societies of his time. The result is a penetrating discussion of rational ideals combined with practical political reality.
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