ILAM guide to good practice in leisure management
ILAM guide to good practice in leisure management
Published in association with the Institute of Leisure and Amenity Management [by] Longman, c1991
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全3件
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A guide to leisure management, this looseleaf work offers practical ideas for both everyday and strategic issues that senior leisure services managers face and provides case studies and examples of how to apply the ideas. Two updates are published each year to insert into the guide. It is aimed at senior managers in local authority leisure departments, managers of major leisure facilities in both public and private sectors, academic and professional libraries and professional institutions and trade associations.
- Total quality management
- managing people at work
- the leisure market
- financial management in leisure operations
- manager's guide to legal requirements
- contract management
- strategic management in local authorities. Appendices: leisure consultants
- training providers
- European contacts.
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