Psychology and postmodernism


Psychology and postmodernism

edited by Steinar Kvale

(Inquiries in social construction)

Sage Pub., 1992

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 19




This groundbreaking book is the first to explore the implications of postmodernist ideas for psychology. It examines central themes of postmodernism as they relate to psychology - for example, the nature of the self, locally situated rather than universal knowledge and the pivotal role of language in social life. The contributors outline the new possibilities for psychology, setting theoretical reformulations alongside implications for psychological practice and method. The book presents critique as well as support for postmodern perspectives, from feminist critique of postmodern `deconstruction' to argument with the usefulness of sharp distinctions between a `modern' and `postmodern' psychology.


Introduction - Steinar Kvale From the Archaeology of the Psyche to the Architecture of Cultural Landscapes Toward a Postmodern Psychology - Kenneth J Gergen Postmodern Psychology - Steinar Kvale A Contradiction in Terms? `Getting in Touch' - John Shotter The Meta-Methodology of a Postmodern Science of Mental Life Postmodern Subjects - Mike Michael Towards a Transgressive Social Psychology Postmodernism and the Human Sciences - Patti Lather An Introduction to Deconstructionist Psychology - Paul Richer Postmodernism and Subjectivity - Lars L[/]ovlie Postmodern Self-Psychology Mirrored in Science and the Arts - Neil Young Postmodern Epistemology of Practice - Donald E Polkinghorne The Epic of Disbelief - Louis A Sass The Postmodernist Turn in Contemporary Psychoanalysis From Mod Mascu-linity to Post-Mod Macho - Mary Gergen A Feminist Re-Play From Theory to Practice and Back Again - Seth Chaiklin What Does Postmodern Philosophy Contribute to Psychological Science? `Postmodernism' and `Late Capitalism' - Peter Madsen On Terms and Realities

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