The calligraphic state : textual domination and history in a Muslim society


The calligraphic state : textual domination and history in a Muslim society

Brinkley Messick

(Comparative studies on Muslim societies, 16)

University of California Press, c1993

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Bibliography: p. 317-331

Includes index



This study examines the changing relation of writing and authority in a Muslim society from the late 19th century to the present. The creation and interpretation of texts, from sacred scriptures to administrative and legal contracts, are among the fundamental ways that authority is established and maintained in a complex state. Messick brings together intensive ethnography and textual analysis from a wealth of material: Islamic jurisprudence, Yemeni histories, local documents. In exploring the structure and transformation of literacy, law, and statecraft in Yemen, he raises important issues that are of comparative significance for understanding political life in other Muslim and non-Western states as well.

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