Theory of culture
Theory of culture
(New directions in cultural analysis, 2)
University of California Press, c1992
- : pbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全53件
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Based on papers from a conference held July 23-25, 1988 in Bremen, sponsored by the Theory Sections of the American Sociological Association and the German Sociological Association
Includes bibliographies and index
With the increasing focus on the concept of culture by sociologists and other social scientists, there is now a need for clarifying and developing theoretical perspectives on this issue. The contributors to this volume have answered this call, each adding new insight to the debate over culture, its definition, and its relationship with other basic categories in sociological theory. Along the way they touch on other fundamental issues, such as the interrelationship of culture with society, the human personality, and the wider environment of the human condition.
Culture: Coherent or Incoherent, Neil J. Smelser
The Cultic Roots of Culture, Eugene Halton
The Order-Maintaining and Order-Transforming Dimensions of Culture, S. N. Eisenstadt
The Concept of Culture and Its Place within a Theory of Social Action, Michael Schmid
Representative Culture and Cultural Representation, Johannes Weiss
Infrastructure and Superstructure, Robert Wuthnow
Collective Purpose and Culture: Findings and Implications from Some Studies of Societies, Guy E. Swanson
Social Norms in the Institutional Culture of the German Federal Parliament, Renate Mayntz
The Production and Reproduction of Inequality, Richard Munch
Cultural Production, Consumption, and the Development of the Cultural Sphere, Mike Featherstone
The Promise of a Cultural Sociology, Jeffrey C. Alexander
Culture and the Locus of Work in Contemporary Western Germany, Stephen Kalberg
Culture and Crisis, Klaus Eder
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