Keynes and the role of the state : the tenth Keynes Seminar held at the University of Kent at Canterbury, 1991


Keynes and the role of the state : the tenth Keynes Seminar held at the University of Kent at Canterbury, 1991

edited by Derek Crabtree and A.P. Thirlwall

St. Martin's Press , Macmillan Press, 1993

  • : us
  • : uk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 55



Includes bibliographical references and indexes



: us ISBN 9780312089795


This volume contains the proceedings of the Tenth Keynes Seminar held by Keynes College at the University of Kent at Canterbury in 1991. The purpose of the seminars is to examine for the student and the layman, as well as for the professional economist, the varous aspects of Keynes's life and work.

: uk ISBN 9780333582527


This volume contains the proceedings of the Tenth Keynes Seminar held by Keynes College at the University of Kent at Canterbury in 1991. The purpose of the seminars is to examine for the student and the layman, as well as for the professional economist, the varous aspects of Keynes's life and work.


  • Part 1 Introduction, Derek Crabtree
  • Keynes and the role of the state, Alan Peacock
  • discussion, Peter Clark
  • the decline of corporatism, Andrew Gamble
  • discussion, Samuel Brittan
  • economic malfunction and the role of the state, J. Cornwall
  • monetary rules versus consensual discretion - corporatism and the future of Keynesian policy-making, Andrew Henley and Euclid Tsakalotos. Part 2 Introduction, J. Hughes
  • Keynes and the role of the state in developing countries, Anand Chandavarkar
  • discussion, M. Lipton
  • the future role of the state in Eastern Europe, Mica Panic
  • discussion, Michael Bleaney
  • post-communism and the problem with Marshall aid, Richard Sakwa
  • Keynes, Russia and the state in developing countries, John Toye.

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