The world of talk on a Fijian island : an ethnography of law and communicative causation


The world of talk on a Fijian island : an ethnography of law and communicative causation

Andrew Arno

(Communication and information science / edited by Brenda Dervin)

Ablex Publishing Corporation, c1993

  • : hbk
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 14



Includes bibliographical references (p. 155-161) and indexes



This volume offers a theoretical exploration of the concept of the communication system as a tool of social inquiry. Focusing on the discourse of conflict management, Arno explores the linkage between everyday communication about conflict, through talk and other forms of message exchange among individuals and groups, and large-scale societal conflicts and the institutions that shape change by maintaining dominant forms of communicative causation (cause and effect in social situations). This volume also develops a theory of the relationship between conflict and communication that demands ethnography as a theoretical necessity.

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