
Crystalline electric field and structural effects in f-electron systems

edited by Jack E. Crow, Robert P. Guertin, and Ted W. Mihalisin

Plenum Press, c1980


f-electron systems


"Proceedings of the International Conference on Crystalline Electric Field and Structural Effects in f-Electron Systems, sponsored in part by and held at Temple University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 12-15, 1979." -- t.p. verso

Includes bibliographical references and index



Perhaps the title of this conference "Ctystalline Electric Field and Structural Effects in f-Electron Systems" reflects best the growth and direction of the field. The title and the conference itself go beyond "CEF" in two broad and important respects. First, the inter-relations between CEF and mode softenings, distortions due to quadruplar ordering or the Jahn- Teller effect, have gained greater focus, hence the inclusion of . ** "Structral Effects. " Second, much greater emphasis on the actinides and, in particular, comparisons between actinides and the lighter rare earths is seen in this conference, hence the more general terminology ...Iff-Electron Systems. " It seems clear that this comparison will lead to an extension to the actinides of mixed valence and Kondo considerations, as well as CEF effects. The emergence of a broader discipline which includes all f-electron systems and which is concerned with unstable, as well as stable, valence reflects the maturation of the field and a coming to grips with the complexity, as well as the unity, of f-electron systems. This maturation is also seen in the growing realization of the effects of CEF on transport, thermodynamic properties, and superconductivity and its co-existence with magnetic order. This volume contains 63 articles, all but two of which were presented at the Conference held in Philadelphia, U. S. A. , on 12-15 November, 1979. About 100 conferees from 13 countries attended the meeting which consisted of four full days of lecture presentations.


Section 1: Crystal Field and Structural Effects.- Symmetry and Experiment in Magnetism (Invited).- Structural Phase Transitions and Magnetostriction in Metallic Rare-Earth Compounds (Invited).- Pressure Effects and Lattice Parameter Correlations in CEF Split Systems (Invited).- Random Crystal Field Effects in Amorphous Rare-Earth Alloys (Invited).- Section 2: Lattice Effects I.- Low Frequency Dynamics in Concentrated 4f CEF Systems (Invited).- Interactions of Rare-Earth Ions with Phonons (Invited).- New Experimental Evidence for Quadrupolar Interactions in Cubic Rare-Earth Compounds (Invited).- Magnetic Anisotropy and Spin Reorientations in HoxTb1-xFe2, DyxTb1-xFe2 and HoxTbyDy1-x-y Fe2.- Thermal Expansion and Magnetostriction of Mg Single Crystals with Heavy Rare Earth Impurities.- Elastic Moduli of Amorphous Rare-Earth Alloys.- Magnetostriction of Dilute Tb Ions in Several Metallic Matrices.- First Order Transitions and the Magnetic Phase Diagram of CeSb.- Origin of Crystal Field and Magnetoelasticity in Rare Earth Intermetallic Compounds.- Terbium3+ Coupling Parameters and the Phase Diagram of the Singlet Ground State Terbium Monopnictides.- Section 3: Lattice Effects II.- Exchange and Crystal Field Excitations in Rare-Earth Iron and Rare Earth Cobalt Laves-Phase Compounds (Invited).- Soft Modes and Mode Splitting in Paramagnetic TbP (Invited).- Theory of Static and Dynamic Properties of Crystal Field Systems Including Correlation Effects (Invited).- Pressure Effects on the Crystal Field in Rare Earth Chalcogenides and Pnictides.- Excitation Spectrum of Van Vleck Magnets.- H3+ - A Basis for Clustering in Metallic Hydrides.- Determination of Crystal Fields Combining Paramagnetic Anisotropy and Neutron Scattering.- Rare Earth-Iron Exchange Interaction and Crystal Field-Like Terms in Garnets.- Investigation of Crystal Field in PrNi5.- Section 4: Actinides.- Actinide 5f Systems: Experimental Determination of the Magnetic Response Function (Invited).- Neutron Scattering Studies of Uranium Compounds (Invited).- Sources of Anisotropy and Extraordinary Magnetic Ordering in Cerium and Actinide Intermetallics (Invited).- Dispersion of Collective Magnetic Excitons in a Single Crystal of the Actinide Intermetallic UPd3 (Invited).- The Magnetic Susceptibility of 249Bk Metal.- Ordered Quadrupolar State with a Nearly Zero Magnetic Moment in NpO2.- Is the Intermediate Valence State Possible in the Uranium Tellurides?.- Crystal Field Effects in Some Ionic Uranium Compounds.- Transport Properties, Lattice Constants, Susceptibility and Specific Heat of UPd3.- Section 5: Kondo and Intermediate Valence Properties.- Energy Parameters and Crystal Field Effects in the Mixed Valence Problem: Chemically Collapsed Cerium (Invited).- Valence Instabilities as a Source of Actinide System Inconsistencies.- Thermal Properties of Exotic Cerium Compounds.- A Novel Low Temperature Phase Transition in Mixed Valent Sm4Bi3.- Mixed Valence, Crystalline Electric Fields and the Kondo Effect in Ce (Pd,Ag)3.- Low Temperature Properties of (La1-xSmx) Sn3 and CeSn3.- Ground State and Magnetic Responses of Model Valence-Fluctuation Systems.- Section 6: Transport and Thermodynamic Properties.- Multipolar f Electron-Conduction Band Interactions in Rare Earth Compounds (Invited).- Electrical Resistivity Investigations on Metallic Rare Earths (Invited).- Magneto-Transport in F-Electron Systems-Quadrupolar and Orbital Exchange Effects (Invited).- Electrical Resistivity in Pr3T1-an Induced Moment Ferromagnet Near Threshold.- Antiferromagnetic Ordering in ErCu: Resistivity and Specific Heat.- Electrical and Thermal Properties of Magnetically Ordered Metallic Compounds TbZn, TbGd, GdCd.- Kondo Effect in the Presence of Crystalline Electric Fields - Ce (In, Sn)3.- Section 7: Singlet Ground State and Other Properties.- Series Expansion for CEF Split Systems (Invited).- Theory of Singlet-Ground-State Ferromagnetism in Pr3Se4: A Cubic System with Low Local Symmetry.- Van Vleck Orbit-Lattice Interactions in LaZ (Z=P, As, Sb, Bi).- Theory of g-shift and Linewidth in CeP Excited State EPR.- REA12's: A Real and Yet Unresolved Problem.- Electric Field Gradient (Crystal Field) in Amorphous f-Electron Systems.- Magnetic Excitations in Holmium Phosphide.- A General Method for Determining Crystal Field Effects on Magnetic Ions.- Determination of Crystal Field Parameters in ErBe13 by Inelastic Neutron Scattering.- Section 8: Superconductivity.- The Influence of Crystalline Electric Fields on the Superconducting Properties of Rare Earth Alloys and Compounds (Invited).- Superconductivity, Long-Range Magnetic Order, and Crystal Field Effects in RERh4B4 Compounds (Invited).- Crystal Field Effects in Magnetic Superconductors (Invited).- Roles of Crystal Fields in Magnetic Superconducting Rare-Earth Rhodium Borides (Invited).- Crystalline Electric Field Manifestations in Tunneling into Superconductors.- Crystal Field Effects in the Magnetic Susceptibility of Dilute Alloys of LaSn3 Containing Nd Impurities.- Section 9: Lifetime Effects.- Neutron Studies of CEF Excitations and Linewidths of Dilute Systems (Invited).- Linewidth of Quasi-Elastic and Inelastic Crystal Field Excitations in CeAg and CeMg Compounds (Invited).- List of Participants.- Material Index.

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