Denationalizing science : the contexts of international scientific practice
Denationalizing science : the contexts of international scientific practice
(Sociology of the sciences, v. 16)
Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1993
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全18件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Papers presented at the Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook Conference "What is international in science?" held in Abisko, Sweden, May 26-June 1, 1991
Includes bibliographical references and index
Present trends indicate that in the years to come transnational science, whether basic or applied and involving persons, equipment or funding, will grow considerably. The main purpose of this volume is to try to understand the reasons for this denationalization of science, its historical contexts and its social forms. The Introduction to the volume sets out the socio-political, intellectual, and economic contexts for the nationalization and denationalization of the sciences, processes that have extended over four centuries. The articles examine the specific conditions that have given rise to the growth of transnational science in the 20th century. Among these are: the need for cognitive and technical standardization of scientific knowledge-products, pressure toward cost-sharing of large installations such as CERN, the voluntary and involuntary migration of scientists, and the global market for R&D products that has emerged at the end of the century.
The volume raises many new questions for research by historians and sociologists of science and poses problems that are of concern both to scientists and science policy-makers.
- Preface. The Nationalization and Denationalization of the Sciences: An Introductory Essay
- E. Crawford, T. Shinn, S. Soerlin. National and International Aspects of Cross-boundary Science: Scientific Travel in the 18th Century
- S. Soerlin. Antarctica: The Construction of a Continent by and for Science
- A. Elzinga. The International Phytogeographical Excursions, 1911-1923: Intellectual Convergence in Vegetation Science
- K.S. Fischedick, T. Shinn. Migration and the Denationalization of Science
- P. Hoch, J. Platt. From Multidisciplinary Collaboration to Transnational Objectivity: International Space as Constitutive of Molecular Biology, 1930-1970
- P. Abir-Am. National Political Cultures and the Exchange of Knowledge: The Case of Systems Ecology
- A. Jamison. Internationalism in Soviet World-Science: The Hungarian Case
- G. Pallo. Some Sociohistorical Aspects of Multiinstitutional Collaborations in High Energy Physics at Cern Between 1975-1985
- J. Krige. Redesigning Solomon's House: Conflicts over the Role of University in the Internationalization of Science and Business
- H. Etzkowitz. Index.
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