
The sexual brain

Simon LeVay

(Bradford book)

MIT Press, c1993

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 11



Includes bibliographical references (p. [139]-148) and index



"The Sexual Brain" examines the biological roots of human sexual behaviour. It puts forward the case that the diversity of human sexual feelings and behaviour can best be understood in terms of the development, structure and function of the brain circuits that produce them. Discarding preconceptions about the motivation and purpose of sexuality, LeVay discusses the scientific evidence bearing on such questions as why we are sexual animals, what the brain mechanisms are that produce sexual behaviour, how these differences develop, and finally, what determines a person's sexual orientation: genes, prenatal events, family environment or early sexual experiences? "The Sexual Brain" is broad in scope, covering evolutionary theory, molecular genetics, endocrinology, brain structure and function, cognitive psychology and development. It is unified by LeVay's thesis that human sexual behaviour, in all its diversity, is rooted in biological mechanisms that can be explored by laboratory science. The book does not shy away from the complexities of the field, but it should be readily appreciated and enjoyed by anyone with an intelligent interest in sex.

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