Locating health : sociological and historical explorations


Locating health : sociological and historical explorations

edited by Stephen Platt ... [et al.]

(Explorations in sociology, no. 44)

Avebury, c1993


Locating health : sociological & historical explorations


Includes bibliographical references and index



This collection of papers, presented at the 1991 British Sociological Association Conference on "Health and Society", adds to the "health inequalities" debate by going beyond the traditional locations, to include place, consumption and lifestyle. The text offers reconceptualizations of key theoretical terms - such as work, public/private, race, income - and addresses the reciprocal influence of health and social location - early retirement, for example, and highlights the health consequences of multiple locations - gender and class, gender and age. This text should be of interest given the evidence of widening health inequalities, recent renewed government interest in poverty and child mortality, the emergence of new types of social divisions, and the continuing public health/planning interest in matching resources to "needs".


List of figures. List of tables. About the editors. Notes on contributors. Acknowledgements. Foreword. Uta Gerhardt Introduction Stephen Platt and Hilary Thomas. The impact of income inequality on life expectancy Richard Wilkinson. The gendered resource triangle: Health and resources in later life Sara Arber and Jay Ginn. Gender differences in longevity and health in Eastern and Western Europe Sally Macintyre. Feminism and the health consequences of women's work in late nineteenth and early twentieth century Britain Barbara Harrison. Conditions of formal and domestic labour: Toward an integrated framework for the analysis of gender and social class inequalities in health Jennie Popay and Mel Bartley. Health issues in male early retirement Dallas Cliff. Occupational health in the UK gas industry: A study of employer, medical and worker knowledge and action on occupational health in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century Andrew Watterson. How do places shape health? Rethinking locality and lifestyle in North-East England Peter Phillimore. The health costs of Britain's industrialization: A perspective from the Celtic periphery Rory Williams. 'Keeping up with the Joneses?' Private health insurance as a consumption good? Michael Calnan, Sarah Cant and Jonathan Gabe. Health and ignorance: Past and present David Smith and Malcolm Nicolson. Index.

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  • ISBN
    • 1856283674
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    xxi, 253 p.
  • 大きさ
    22 cm
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  • 親書誌ID