Plant cell and tissue culture
Plant cell and tissue culture
(Wiley Biotechnology series)
John Wiley & Sons, c1991
- pbk.
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全2件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Reprint. Originally published by Open University Press, 1991
Includes index
Techniques for plant cell and tissue culture developed over the past 20 years, are having a profound effect on the world of botanical research and in industries from agriculture to pharmaceuticals. This book examines the theory behind plant cell and tissue culture techniques and processes, before going on to examine their application. Throughout the book, the authors highlight current problems and discuss likely future developments - especially in cases where basic research is only just beginning to find commercial applications.
- Plant cell culture
- genetics of cultured plant cells
- protoplast technology
- regeneration of plants
- improvements of plants via plant cell culture
- natural products and metabolites from plants and plant cell cultures
- bio-transformations by plants cell cultures
- strategies of plant cell immobilization
- plant cell reactor technology
- economic and strategic considerations.
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