Translating religious texts : translation, transgression, and interpretation


Translating religious texts : translation, transgression, and interpretation

edited by David Jasper ; foreword by George Steiner

(Studies in literature and religion)

St. Martin's Press, c1993

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12



Includes index



This collection of essays has developed from a fruitful Anglo-French co-operation in the study of literature and religion. Each chapter of the book is, in its own way, concerned with the translation and interpretation of religious texts. Four of the essays deal directly with biblical literatue, and two explore translation in terms of pictorial art. The Bible, as Stephen Prickett points out, has always been a translated book. Our task is to explore the implications of that claim in a wider variety of religious literature.


  • The painful business of bridging gaps, David Jasper
  • the changinf of the host, translation and linguistic history, Stephen Prickett
  • interpreting the language of St Paul, Dennis L. Stamps
  • the Knox version, or the trials of a translator, translation or transgression?, Solange Dayras
  • on retranslating John Henry Newman's "Callista", Michel Durand
  • Judith and Holofernes, changing Biblical images in the history of art, Elizabeth Philpot
  • from Roublev to Gunn, a Trinitarian approach, Christiane d'Haussy
  • "La Meme Voix, Toujours", Yves Bonnefoy and translation, David Jasper
  • the myth of translatability, translation as interpretation, Bernard Zelechow.

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