The slow plague : a geography of the AIDS pandemic


The slow plague : a geography of the AIDS pandemic

Peter Gould

Blackwell, 1993

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9



Bibliography: p. [206]-224

Includes index



ISBN 9781557864185


This is the first geographical account of the origins, spread and likely future consequences of the HIV viruses. It is based on extensive worldwide research, and sophisticated computational cartographic analysis at Pennsylvania State University, and employs new techniques in spatial modelling. The account is written in entirely non-technical language. "The Slow Plague" is also a book which should be of considerable scientific importance. The author argues that most epidemiological research on AIDS has been misdirected and partial because it has been based on a series of population dynamics models that has a time but no space dimension. Gould argues further that the understanding and treatment of AIDS has been hampered by the conscious or unconscious belief that those suffering from the disease are and will continue to be confined to specific minority groups and to parts of the Third World. He shows that this view has led to fundamental misconceptions of the nature of the disease and the future patterns of its spread and of sections of the population that are now most at risk.


  • The killer - HIV and what it does
  • the origins of HIV - closing an open question?
  • the thin tendrils of effects
  • sex on a set - a backcloth for disaster
  • transmission break - the geography of the condom
  • how things spread - hierarchical jumps and geographic oozings
  • Africa - a continent in catastrophe
  • Thailand - how to optimize an epidemic
  • America - leaks in the system
  • the Bronx - poverty, crack and HIV
  • the response - how many bureaucrats can dance on the head of a pin?
  • time but no space - the failure of a paradigm
  • the geography in confidentiality
  • education and planning - predicting the next maps
  • herd immunity - riding the coat-tails of the HIV
  • epilogue - old plagues for new.

: pbk ISBN 9781557864192


Based on research by a leading geographer and specialist in diffusion theory, The Slow Plague discloses the geographic dimension of the AIDS pandemic. It provides a lucid description of the HIV, its origins, and the extent to which it has now permeated our lives. The author shows how the virus jumps from city to city, creating regional epicenters from which it spreads into surrounding areas. Four case studies at different geographic scales demonstrate the devastating effects of the disease. In Africa the situation is catastrophic, in Thailand it is rapidly becoming so. In the US there are over 300,000 people with AIDS and more than one million infected by the HIV. The relationships between poverty, drugs and HIV infection are brought out poignantly in a chapter about the Bronx. The author argues that a real understanding of AIDS has been hampered by conscious or unconscious beliefs that those affected are, and will continue to be, confined to specific minority groups and to parts of the Third World. He shows that such views have led to fundamental misconceptions about the pattern of the spread of the disease and about those who will be most at risk, now and in the immediate future.


List of maps and figures. Preface: Why a geographer writes about AIDS. Acknowledgements: Intellectual Antennae. Prologue: New Plagues for Old: The Horseman Rides Again. 1. The Killer: HIV and What it does. 2. The Origins of HIV: Closing an Open Question?. 3. The Thin Tendrils of Effects. 4. Sex on a Set: A Backcloth for Disaster. 5. Transmission Break: The Geography of the Condom. 6. How Things Spread: Hierarchical Jumps and Geographic Oozings. 7. Africa: A Continent in Catastrophe. 8. Thailand: How to Optimize an Epidemic. 9. America: Leaks in the System. 10. The Bronx: Poverty, Crack and HIV. 11. The Response: How Many Bureaucrats can Dance on the Head of a Pin?. 12. Time but no Space: the Failure of a Paradigm. 13. The Geography in Confidentiality. 14. Education and Planning: Predicting the Next Maps. 15. Herd Immunity: Riding the Coattails of the HIV. 16. Epilogue: Old Plagues for New. Changing worlds, changing genres: a bibliographic essay. Index.

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