
Patrick White

Mark Williams

(Macmillan modern novelists)

Macmillan, 1993

  • : hard
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9



Bibliography: p. 179-181

Includes index



: hard ISBN 9780333517147


This critical study considers Patrick White's 12 published novels, and traces the connections between his life and work. The novels from "The Aunt's Story" to "Memoirs of Many in One" are considered in terms of a number of overlapping contexts: White's ambivalence about sexuality, nationality and modernity; his evolving sense of the possibilities of the novel as a form; and the continuing presence of the themes, experiments and influences of the 1930s shaping his mature fiction. Throughout his study Williams examines the various categories that have been applied to White's work - modernist, romantic, religious, Australian and so on. While finding that such tendencies are productively at work in White's fiction, Williams insists that White finally escapes all categories.


  • The "English" Patrick White
  • pastoral and apocalypse
  • the artist and suburbia
  • mirrors and interiors
  • flaws in the world
  • Patrick White and the modern novel.

: pbk ISBN 9780333517154


This critical study considers Patrick White's 12 published novels, and traces the connections between his life and work. The novels from "The Aunt's Story" to "Memoirs of Many in One" are considered in terms of a number of overlapping contexts: White's ambivalence about sexuality, nationality and modernity; his evolving sense of the possibilities of the novel as a form; and the continuing presence of the themes, experiments and influences of the 1930s shaping his mature fiction.


Preface - The 'English' Patrick White - Pastoral and Apocalypse - The Artist and Suburbia - Mirrors and Interiors - Flaws in the World - Conclusion: Patrick White and the Modern Novel

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