The lives of Aristeides and Cato


The lives of Aristeides and Cato

Plutarch ; edited with translation and commentary by David Sansone

(Classical texts)

Aris & Phillips, c1989

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 11



Greek text and parallel English translation on opposite pages

Bibliography: p. 16-17

Includes index



Plutarch's Lives have always attracted a large number of admirers, particularly because of his pragmatic concern with ethics and politics. But Plutarch intended his Lives to be read in pairs, an intention that is often ignored by those who treat these works as merely historical sources. This new text and translation provides the first commentary in English on the pair Aristeides and Cato. In addition to supplying commentary on historical, stylistic and textual matters, Professor Sansone also explores Plutarch's purpose in comparing the fifth-century Greek statesman, Aristeides, with the second-century Roman, Cato the Elder. Greek text with facing translation, notes and introduction.


  • Introduction
  • Parallel Greek text and English translation
  • Commentary.

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