Power, administration, and finance in Mughal India


Power, administration, and finance in Mughal India

John F. Richards

(Collected studies series, CS419)

Variorum, c1993


Includes bibliographical references and index



From the mid-16th to the early 18th centuries the Mughal empire was the dominant power in the Indian subcontinent. Contrary to what is sometimes suggested, John Richards argues that this centralised state was dynamic and skillfully run. The studies here consider its links with the wider early modern world, and focus on three related aspects of its history. The first concerns the nature of imperial authority, in terms both of the dynastic ideology created by Akbar and his successors, and the extent to which this authority could be enforced in the countryside. The second aspect is that of fiscal and monetary policy and administration: how did the Mughals collect, track and expend their vast revenues, and what effects did this have? Finally, the author asks why the system could not cope with the changes it had helped engender, and what were the weaknesses and pressures that led to the breakup of the empire in the first decades of the 18th century. De la moitie du 16e siecle au debut du 18e, l'empire moghol etait le pouvoir dominant du sous-continent indien. Contrairement A ce qui peut parfois Atre suggere, John Richards soutient que cet etat centralise etait dynamique et adroitement mene. Les etudes examinent ses liens avec le reste du monde moderne et se concentrent sur trois aspects de son histoire. Le premier concerne la nature de l'autorite imperiale, en termes d'ideologie dynastique, telle qu'elle avait ete creee par Akbar et ses successeurs et du point jusqu'auquel cette autorite pouvait Atre imposee dans les milieux ruraux. Le second aspect est celui de l'administration et de la politique fiscale et monetaire: comment les Moghols faisaient-ils pour collecter, retrouver et depenser leurs vastes revenus et quel etait l'effet d'une telle politique? Enfin, l'auteur cherche A savoir pourquoi ce systeme n'arrivait pas A faire face aux changements qu'il avait contribue A engendrer et quelles avaient ete


  • Contents: The Islamic frontier in the East: expansion into South Asia
  • Outflow of precious metals from early Islamic India
  • The formulation of imperial authority under Akbar and Jahangir
  • Norms of comportment among imperial Mughal officers
  • Mughal state finance and the pre-modern world economy
  • The 17th-century crisis in South Asia
  • The Hyderabad Karnatik, 1687-1724
  • Mughal retreat from Coastal Andhra
  • Banditry in Mughal India: historical and folk perceptions
  • Kinship and pargana in 18th-century Khandesh
  • Official revenues and money flows in a Mughal province
  • The imperial crisis in the Deccan
  • Index.

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