Bibliographic Information

CRC handbook of percentiles of non-central t-distributions

Subhash C. Bagui

CRC Press, c1993

Other Title

Non-central t-distributions

Handbook of percentiles of non-central t-distributions

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Includes bibliographical references (p. 391)

Description and Table of Contents


CRC Handbook of Percentiles of Non-Central t-Distributions is the first book to provide critical values of non-central t-distributions in an easy-to-use format. The book presents a brief introductory section that outlines properties and applications of non-central t-distributions and then explains the tables. The rest of the book consists of tables. The values listed were produced using cumulative probabilities. CRC Handbook of Percentiles of Non-Central t-Distributions is an essential reference of numerical tables of statistical functions for researchers, practitioners, scientists, and students involved with statistics in the areas of tolerance limits, variable sampling plans, confidence limits on quantiles, confidence limits on proportions, sample coefficient of variation and in computing the power of t-test.

Table of Contents

Introduction: The Critical Values of Non-Central t Distributions. a=0.01, a=0.025, a=0.05, a=0.10, a=0.20, a=0.30, a=0.70, a=0.80, a=0.90, a=0.95, a=0.975, a=0.99. References.

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