Agrochemicals desk reference : environmental data


Agrochemicals desk reference : environmental data

John H. Montgomery

Lewis Publishers, c1993

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references (p. 421-466) and indexes



Agrochemicals Desk Reference is a comprehensive volume that features environmental and physical/chemical data on 200 compounds, including pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. Data presented includes the soil/sediment partition coefficient (Koc) for predicting the compound transport rate in groundwater, the octanol/water partition coefficient (Kow) for determining the compound's hydrophobicity and estimating bioaccumulation potential in aquatic biota, and Henry's Law Constants for determining the relative volatility of a substance. The book also provides data on hydrolysis and photolysis half-lives, toxicity data, formulations, and uses. A thorough discussion of transformation products and degradative, biological, and abiotic processes in soil, plants, and groundwater is presented as well. Agrochemicals Desk Reference is fully indexed by CAS Number, RTECS number, and synonyms. The book will be an essential reference for environmental scientists, hydrogeologists, groundwater modelers, soil scientists, regulators, environmental consultants, and industrial hygienists.


Preface. Introduction. Bibliography. Abbreviations and Symbols. Acephate. Acrolein. Acrylonitrile. Alachlor. Aldicarb. Aldrin. Allidochlor. Ametryn. Aminocarb. Amitrole. Anilazine. ANTU. Aspon. Asulam. Atrazine. Azinphos-Methyl. Bendiocarb. Benomyl. Bentazone. a-BHC. b-BHC. d-BHC. Bifenox. Biphenyl. Bis(2-Chloroethyl)Ether. Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)Ether. Bromacil. Bromoxynil. Bromoxynil Octanoate. Butifos. Butylate. Carbaryl. Carbofuran. Carbon Disulfide. Carbon Tetrachlorid. Carbophenothion. Carboxin. Chloramben. Chlordane. cis-Chlordane. Trans-Chlordane. Chlordimeform. Chlorobenzilate. Chloropicrin. Chlorothalonil. Chloroxuron. Chlorpropham. Chlorpyrifos. Chlorsulfuron. Chlorthal-Dimethyl. Crotoxyphos. Cyanazine. Cycloate. Cyfluthrin. Cypermethrin. Cyromazine. 2,4-D. Dalapon-Sodium. Dazomet. p.p-DDD. p.p-DDE. p.p-DDT. Desmedipham. Dialifos. Diallate. Diazinon. 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane. Di-n-Butyl Phthalate. Dicamba. Dichlobenil. Dichlone. 1,2-Dichloropropane. cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene. Trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene. Dichlorvos. Diclofop-Methyl. Dicrotophos. Dieldrin. Difenzoquat Methyl Sulfate. Diflubenzuron. Dimethoate. Dimethyl Phthalate. 4,6-Dinitro-o-Cresol. Dinoseb. Diphenamid. Dipropetryn. Diquat. Disulfoton. Diuron. a-Endosulfan. b-Endosulfan. Endosulfan Sulfate. Endothall. Endrin. EPN. EPTC. Esfenvalerate. Ethephon. Ethiofencarb. Ethion. Ethoprop. Ethylene Dibromide. Fenamiphos. Fenbutatin Oxide. Fensulfothion. Fenthion. Fenvalerate. Ferbam. Flucythrinate. Fluometuron. Fonofos. Formaldehyde. Fosamine-Ammonium. Fosetyl-Aluminum. Glyphosate. Heptachlor. Heptachlor Epoxide. Hexachorobenzene. Hexazinone. Hexythiazox. Iprodione. Isofenphos. Kepone. Lindane. Linuron. Malathion. Maleic Hydrazide. Mancozeb. MCPA. Mefluidide. Metalaxyl. Methamidophos. Methidathion. Methiocarb. Methomyl. Methoxychlor. Methyl Bromide. Methyl Isothiocyanate. Metolachlor. Metribuzin. Metsulfuron-Methyl. Mevinphos. Molinate. Monalide. Monocrotophos. Monuron. Naled. Napropamide. Naptalam. Neburon. Nitrapyrin. Oxadiazon. Oxamyl. Oxydemeton-Methyl. Parathion. Pebulate. Pendimethalin. Pentachlorobenzene. Pentachlorophenol. Permethrin. Phenmedipham. Phorate. Phosalone. Phosmet. Phosphamidon. Picloram. Pindone. Profenofos. Prometon. Prometryn. Propachlor. Propanil. Propazine. Propham. Propoxur. Propyzamide. Quinomethionate. Quizalofop-Ethyl. Ronnel. Siduron. Simazine. Strychnine. Sulfometuron-Methyl. Sulfotepp. Sulprofos. 2,4,5-T. Tebuthiuron. Terbacil. Terbufos. Terbutryn. Tetraethyl Pyrophosphate. Thiabendazole. Thiameturon-Methyl. Thidiazuron. Thiodicarb. Thiram. Toxaphene. Triadimefon. Triallate. Trichlorfon. 2,3,6-Trichlorobenzoic Acid. Trifluralin. Warfarin. Conversion Factors. U.S. EPA Approved Test Methods. CAS Index. RTECS Number Index. Empirical Formula Index. Synonym Index. References.

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