Stellar jets and bipolar outflows : proceedings of the sixth international workshop of the astronomical observatory of Capodimonte (OAC 6), held at Capri, Italy, September 18-21, 1991


Stellar jets and bipolar outflows : proceedings of the sixth international workshop of the astronomical observatory of Capodimonte (OAC 6), held at Capri, Italy, September 18-21, 1991

edited by L. Errico and A. A. Vittone

(Astrophysics and space science library, v. 186)

Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1993

  • : alk. paper

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12




In the last few years great improvements in the study of stellar jets and bipolar outflows have been achieved, both observationally and theoretically. High resolution observations at various frequencies (radio, IR, optical and X-ray) of these features in different types of objects have shown a large variety of morphologies at all scales often revealing contrasting symmetries which do not allow straightforward kinematic interpretations valid for all cases. In particular, at present, it seems very difficult to give a statistical definition of what the "standard properties" of jets and bipolar outflows are. On the theoretical side, the identification of physical processes capable of producing the observed rich morphological variety of jets and bipolar outflows and supporting them over long lifetimes is still controversial. Furthermore several models are actively discussed in an attempt of reaching a complete understanding of the phenomenon. The workshop provided an unique opportunity for both observers and theoreticians to gather together and produce an updated and exhaustive picture of the field. In addition the meeting has been enriched by the presentation of some works on jets in external galaxies. This topic was focused on what people working on stellar jets could learn from colleagues working on extragalactic jets and vice versa. Invited papers were prepared with the aim of giving the state of the art about scientific subjects; contributed papers and some selected poster papers presented, on the contrary, very recent results in the various fields.


Session I - Molecular Outflows.- Molecular Outflows from Young Stellar Objects.- The Onset of Molecular Outflow in the Early Evolution of Proto-Stars.- Co Outflows and H2O Maser: What Type of Connection?.- Interaction of the Cepheus a Molecular Outflow with the Surrounding Cloud.- Submillimetre Observations of HH 111 with the JCMT.- Molecular Hydrogen Line Ratios from Bipolar Outflows.- RNO 1B - A new Fu Ori in Cassiopeia.- The Molecular Structure of HH 2.- The Bipolar-Flow Phenomenon.- Herbig-Haro Emission Associated with Molecular Outflow Sources.- The Hi Br? and Pf? Lines Formed in the Wind from S106IR.- Sub-ARCSEC near-Infrared Imaging of the BN-IRc2 Region in Orion.- Measure of the Mass-Loss Velocity Structure in the Circumstellar Envelope "Frosty Leo".- High Collimation and Low Collimation Winds in HH 34?.- Molecular Jets in OMC1-S.- Sest Observations of Molecular Outflows Associated with HH 52-54.- Subarcsec 10?m Imaging of Bipolar Flow Sources.- The HH 49/50 Outflow Source in Chamaeleon I.- L723: One or Two Outflows?.- Optical Traces of Two Iras Sources Driving Bipolar Outflows in the S287 Molecular Cloud.- Session II - Stellar Jets: Observations.- Observational Properties of Jets from Young Stars.- Proper Motion in Jets from Young Stars and in Herbig-Haro Objects.- Observational Contrains on Collimation Mechanisms in RU Lupi.- Flaring Phenomena on PMS-Stars in TDC.- Observation of Circumstellar Environments with the Hubble Space Telescope.- Coronographic Imaging the AG Carinae Nebula.- Bipolar Outflows and Jets from Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae.- Optical and Iue Monitoring of the Symbiotic Star CH Cyg and Its Jet.- Symbiotic Star CH Cyg after the Jet Ejection.- Bipolar Outflow in the Symbiotic Binary V 1016 CYGNI.- Observations of the Optical Outbursts of Z CMA.- Parameters of SS 433 as a Massive Binary System.- X-Ray Observations of SS 433.- Analysis of Balmer Lines Intensities and Radiation Non-Isotropy of SS 433 Jets.- VLBI and Merlin Observatory of the Moving Knots in SS 433.- Which is the Mass of SS 433?.- GGD 17: A Herbig-Haro Jet Associated with the T Tauri Star Bretz 4?.- High Velocity Bipolar Outflows in Planetary Nebulae: NGC 6537 and Hb 5.- The Remarkable near-IR Jet in L 1448.- An Optical/infrared Outburst in the Exciting Source of HH 7-11.- On Photometric Properties of Different Types of Stars with Infrared Excesses.- Spectacular Herbig-Haro Objects in the Carina Region.- Optical Jets Associated with Molecular Outflows.- Multi-Frequency Merlin Observations of WR147: the Thermal and Non-Thermal Components.- Herbig-Haro Outflows and Jets from High-Luminosity Young Stellar Objects.- Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy of "Minkowski's Footprint" (M1-92): Evidence for Bow Shocks in the Bipolar Outflow.- Fabry-Perot Imaging of the R Aquarii Jet in the [OIII]5007a Emission Line.- Session III - Stellar Jets: Theoretical Aspects.- Interpreting Jets from Young Stars.- The Evolution of Disk Accreting Proto-Stars and Their Role in Driving Bipolar Outflows.- The Origin of the Forbidden Line Emission in T Tauri Stars.- The Origin of Energetic Outflows in Young Stellar Objects.- On the Collimation and the Morphology of Bipolar Jets near Young Stellar Objects.- Magnetic Fields, Disk Winds and Jets in Astrophysics.- Knots in Stellar Jets: Crossing Shocks or Internal Working Surfaces?.- Nonlinear Evolution of KH Instabilities in Stellar Jets and the Formation of Knots.- Acceleration of Relativistic Particles in Stellar Jets.- The Role of Magnetic Vortex Tubes in Stellar Outflows.- Shocks in Moleculalar Clouds: Switches and Bows.- The Dynamical Development of the SN 1987 a Ring Nebula.- The Non-Symmetric Structure of the Stellar Wind of the Supernova Precursor.- Physics of Jet-Formation in Space.- SS 433 - the Preferred Model.- The Radiative Acceleration of Spherical Bullets.- Analysis of X-Ray Eclipses in SS 433.- New Exact Solutions for Magneto-Hydrodynamic Flows and Their Application to Stellar Jets.- Supercritical Stages of Binary Evolution as Candidates to Outflowing Systems: Statistical Approach.- A Jet Model for the Strong CYG X-3 Radio Outburst.- Light Scattering by Dust around Herbig-Haro 1.- X-Ray Light Curve Modelling of SS 433.- Session IV - Extragalactic Jets.- Mechanism of Jet Formation.- The Peculiar Kinematics of the Ionized Gas in NGC 5252.- Turbulent Jet Model for Extragalactic Radio Sources.- Large-Scale Structures Generated by Turbulence in Astrophysical Jets.- The Origin of Magnetic Field in a Swirling Jet.- Nonlinear Evolution of Radiative Unstable Modes in Extragalactic Jets.- Concluding Remarks.- Stellar Jets and Bipolar Outflows.- Object Index.- Author Index.

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