Bibliographic Information

Academic discourse : linguistic misunderstanding and professorial power

Pierre Bourdieu, Jean-Claude Passeron and Monique de Saint Martin ; with contributions by Christian Baudelot and Guy Vincent ; translated by Richard Teese

Polity Press, 1994

Other Title

Rapport pédagogique et communication

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First published as Rapport pédagogique et communication: Paris : École Pratique des Hautes Études, 1965

Includes bibliographical references and index

Description and Table of Contents


Education depends on language: knowledge and skills are taught largely through a process of linguistic exchange. But how much of the language used by teachers and professors is actually understood by students? To what extent does the social background of students affect their capacity to understand the language used in the classroom or the lecture hall? Why do students and teachers overestimate the success of the educational process and underestimate the degree of misunderstanding involved? In this work, Pierre Bourdieu and his associates explore these and other questions through a study of the role of language and linguistic misunderstanding in the teaching contexts of higher education. They study the extent to which university students actually understand the academic discourse they hear in lectures, as well as the factors that influence the ways in which students' essays are assessed. They also examine the extent to which the mastery and the misunderstanding of academic discourse depends on the social background of the individuals concerned. Drawing on empirical research and developing a distinctive theoretical perspective, Bourdieu and his associates argue that academic discourse is a medium of communication that both expresses and reproduces a relation of pedagogical power and respect.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Language and the Relationship to Language in the Teaching Situation 1. Students and the Language of Teaching 2. Student Rhetoric in Exams 3. University Students and their Attitudes to Academic Staff and Teaching Practice 4. The Users of Lille University Library.

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  • NCID
  • ISBN
    • 0745608205
  • Country Code
  • Title Language Code
  • Text Language Code
  • Original Language Code
  • Place of Publication
    Cambridge [UK]
  • Pages/Volumes
    viii, 136 p.
  • Size
    24 cm
  • Classification
  • Subject Headings
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