Labor-management relations


Labor-management relations

Daniel Quinn Mills

(McGraw-Hill series in management)

McGraw-Hill, c1994

5th ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7



Includes bibliographical references and index



The revision of this classic labor relations text, written by a respected scholar, emphasizes the rapid social, demographic, and economic changes now affecting the workplace. To this end, new chapters on workplace diversity and new work systems have been added. In addition, all material has been thoroughly updated, including important recent court decisions. The text continues to be distinguished by its comprehensive coverage and solid research base.


1. The Industrial Relations System. 2. History and Philosophy of American Unions. 3. Membership and Structure in the American Labor Movement. 4. Unions, Management, and the New Workplace. 5. Human Diversity in the Workplace. 6. Nonunion and Union. 7. Statutory and Judicial Regulation. 8. The NLRB and Unfair Labor Practices. 9. Union Organization and Representation Elections. 10. Different Patterns of Relations in the Public Sector. 11. Labor - Management Relations in the Public Sector. 12. Industrial Relations Abroad. 13. The Negotiations Process. 14. Union Organization for Bargaining. 15. Management Preparations for Negotiations. 16. Strikes and Dispute Settlement. 17. Rights of Employees, Unions and Management. 18. Wages: Theory and Practice. 19. Benefits. 20. Grievances and Arbitration. 21. Quality, Productivity and Employment Security. 22. The Consequences of Collective Bargaining.

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