Native Latin American cultures : through their discourse
Bibliographic Information
Native Latin American cultures : through their discourse
(Special publications of the Folklore Institute, new series ; no. 1)
Folklore Institute, Indiana University, c1990
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Includes bibliographical references
"Originally published as a special issue of the Journal of forklore research, vol. 27, nos. 1 and 2 (Jan.-Aug. 1990)"--T.p. verso
Description and Table of Contents
"These essays, most of them in the tradition of anthropological study of folklore, expand the current boundaries of the discipline and provide additional case studies to a growing literature in discourse analysis of oral performance." -Dan Ben-Amos
Authors examine weeping, double-talk, community-building, music, myth, humor and play, and concepts of time and history in various native Latin American communities.
Table of Contents
Ellen B. Basso
Introduction: Discourse as an Integrating Concept in Anthropology and Folklore Research
Janet Wall Hendricks
Manipulating Time in an Amazonian Society: Genre and Event among the Shuar
Jane H. Hill
Weeping as a Meta-signal in a Mexicano Womans Narrative
Susan Paulson
Double-talk in the Andes: Ambiguous Discourse as a Means of Surviving Contact
John H. McDowell
The Community-building Mission of a Kamsa Ritual Language
Joel Sherzer
On Play, Joking, Humor, and Tricking in Kuna:
The Agouti Story
Jonathan D. Hill
Myth, Music, and History: Poetic Transformations of Narrative Discourse in an Amazonian Society
Ellen B. Basso
The Last Cannibal
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