Public sphere and experience : toward an analysis of the bourgeois and proletarian public sphere


Public sphere and experience : toward an analysis of the bourgeois and proletarian public sphere

Oskar Negt and Alexander Kluge ; foreword by Miriam Hansen ; translated by Peter Labanyi, Jamie Owen Daniel, and Assenka Oksiloff

(Theory and history of literature, v. 85)

University of Minnesota Press, c1993


Öffentlichkeit und Erfahrung : zur Organisationsanalyse von bürgerlicher und proletarischer Öffentlichkeit

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 19



Includes bibliographical references and index



The "public sphere" is widely debated in contemporary literary and cultural studies circles in the United States. The topic's significance underscores the pressing problem of the location of these contemporary debates: Is the "public sphere" a single authoritative and universal space in which the various positions in these debates compete for recognition, or does it consist of multiple local spaces spread over diverse collectivities? The term "public" has emerged with new urgency in different disciplines and contexts history, cinema and television studies, art criticism, feminist, gay and lesbian, postcolonial, and subaltern perspectives, and is proliferating in titles of books, articles, and college courses. "Public Sphere and Experience" opens the discussion of the material conditions of experience into an arena that had previously figured only as an abstract term: the media of mass and consumer culture, in particular the so-called new media. Oskar Negt is an award-winning filmmaker, a TV producer and an editor, and owner of the Development Company for Television Production and Cairos Film Company.


  • The public sphere as the organization of collective experience
  • On the dialectic between the bourgeois and the proletarian public sphere
  • Public service television - the bourgeois public sphere translated into modern technology
  • The individual commodity and collections of commodities in the consciousness industry
  • The context of living as the media cartel's object of production
  • Changes in the structure of the public sphere - capitalist "cultural revolution" proletarian cultural revolution commentaries on the concept of proletarian public sphere.

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