Vision : Harvard students look ahead
Vision : Harvard students look ahead
distributor, Harvard Business School Press, c1993
1st ed
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全3件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
"We dedicated this book to the future of the class of 1993" -- t.p. verso
Includes bibliographical references
Our life spans do not allow many to witness a new century; even fewer experience a new millennium. Now in 16 essays, Harvard undergraduate and graduate students, representing 13 different academic fields, predict their not-so-distant, but still uncertain future. One clear theme emerges: the future will be a result of our actions today. The contributors call for individual responsibility and the need to become better informed about complex choices. Articulating issues of concern to young people everywhere, this work challenges everyone to think seriously about the future. Disciplines covered include economics, philosophy, business, education and women's studies. The economics, business and history sections take an international perspective, including coverage of Europe, Japan and the former Soviet Republics.
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