Contemplating adultery : the secret life of a Victorian woman
Contemplating adultery : the secret life of a Victorian woman
Macmillan, 1992
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全2件
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 281-314)
First published in the United States of America by Ballatine Books, New York in 1991
In the early 1830s, an unhappily married Englishwoman falls in love with a man she has never met - a German prince, author of the bestseller that she is translating into English. Using the German Embassy couriers to carry their letters back and forth, they correspond ever more audaciously, right under the nose of her melancholy and preoccupied husband. Swept up by a storm of passion, she unveils her disappointment in marriage, her hunger for affection, intimacy and love. Yet in reality she is anything but an unprincipled woman, and since divorce is out of the question, her thoughts turn increasingly to adultery. How Sarah Austin ultimately resolves her dilemma makes this book a journey into the mind and soul of a gifted woman who dared to circumvent the mores of the day. Lotte and Jospeh Hamburger are the co-authors of "Troubled Lives".
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