
Nuclear electrodynamics

A.I. Akhiezer, A.G. Sitenko, V.K. Tartakovskii

(Springer series in nuclear and particle physics)

Springer-Verlag, c1993

  • New York
  • Berlin


Ėlektrodinamika i︠a︡der


Ėlektrodinamika i︠a︡der

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 20



Includes bibliographical references and index



"Nuclear Electrodynamics" quantitatively describes both nuclear electromagnetic properties and processes of the electromagnetic interaction.The main emphasis is on the derivation of basic equations. The book is intended for both theorists and experimentalists specializing in this field. Contents: - Introduction - Electromagnetic Multipole Moments - Interaction Between Nuclei and Electromagnetic Radiation - Electron-Nucleus Interaction (Elastic and Inelastic Scattering) - Electron-Nucleus Interaction (Nuclear Electrodisintegration and Inclusive Processes) - Electromagnetic Interaction between Heavy Charged Particles and Nuclei - References - Subject Index


1. Electromagnetic Multipolar Moments.- 1.1 Electric Charge and Nuclear Size.- 1.1.1 Composition of Nuclei and Properties of Nucleons.- 1.1.2 Nuclear and Internal Density Distribution.- 1.1.3 Quark Structure and Nucleon Form Factors.- 1.2 Nuclear Electrical and Magnetic Moments.- 1.2.1 Charge and Current Densities.- 1.2.2 Vector Spherical Functions.- 1.2.3 Multipole Expansions of the Charge and Magnetic Moment Densities.- 1.2.4 Static Multipole Nuclear Moments.- 1.3 Multipole Electromagnetic Fields.- 1.3.1 Multipole Potentials.- 1.3.2 Multipole Expansion of Plane Waves.- 1.3.3 Multipole Operators.- 1.3.4 Transformation of Multipole Operators Under the Time Inversion.- 2. Interaction Between Nuclei and Electromagnetic Radiation.- 2.1 Absorption and Emission of Photons by Nuclei.- 2.1.1 Second Quantization of Electromagnetic Field.- 2.1.2 Probability of Nuclear Emission of a Photon.- 2.1.3 A Cross-Section of Nuclear Absorption of a Photon.- 2.1.4 Multipole Expansions.- 2.1.5 Angular Distribution and Polarization of Radiation.- 2.2 Longwave Approximation.- 2.2.1 Applicability Condition for the Longwave Approximation.- 2.2.2 Electrical Transitions.- 2.2.3 Magnetic Transitions.- 2.2.4 Electromagnetic Multipole Transition Probability.- 2.3 Effective Electrical Charges of Nucleons.- 2.3.1 Dipole Electrical Transition Matrix Elements.- 2.3.2 Isospin Selection Rules for Dipole Electrical Transitions.- 2.3.3 Isospin Selection Rules for Dipole Magnetic Transitions.- 2.4 Sum Rules for Photon Absorption by Nuclei.- 2.4.1 Photonuclear Giant Dipole Resonance.- 2.4.2 The Dipole Sum Rule of Thomas, Reiche, and Kuhn.- 2.4.3 Other Dipole Sum Rules for Photonuclear Transitions.- 2.4.4 Sum Rules for Photonuclear Processes of Arbitrary Multipolarities.- 2.5 Dispersion Sum Rules.- 2.5.1 Kramers-Kronig Dispersion Relations.- 2.5.2 Sum Rule of Gell-Mann, Goldberger, and Thirring.- 2.6 Nuclear Photodisintegration.- 2.6.1 Deuteron Photodisintegration.- 2.6.2 Exchange Current.- 2.6.3 Nuclear Photodisintegration Accompanied by Nucleon Emission.- 2.6.5 Polarization of Deuteron Photodisintegration Products and Asymmetrical Cross-Section.- 3. Electron-Nucleus Interaction (Elastic and Inelastic Scattering).- 3.1 Derivation of the General Equation for the Electron-Nucleus Scattering Cross-Section.- 3.1.1 Various Processes of Electron-Nucleus Interaction.- 3.1.2 Transition Matrix Element.- 3.1.3 The Scattering Cross-Section, Averaged Over Electron Polarizations.- 3.2 Electron Interaction with a Nucleus Regarded as a Nucleon System.- 3.2.1 The Assumption that Individual Nucleon Contributions in Charge and Current Densities are Additive.- 3.2.2 Electron - Nucleon Interaction in a Nucleus with Relativistic Corrections.- 3.2.3 Nuclear Charge and Current Densities with Relativistic Corrections.- 3.2.4 The Necessity of Introducing Two Form Factors for a Nucleon Description.- 3.3 Transitions in the Discrete Spectrum.- 3.3.1 General Expression for the Nuclear Electroexcitation Cross-Section.- 3.3.2 Multipole Expansion.- 3.3.3 Siegert Theorem.- 3.3.4 Reduced Probabilities of Nuclear Multipole Transitions.- 3.3.5 The Cross-Section Dependence on the Transferred Momentum and Scattering Angle.- 3.3.6 Derivation of the Electroexcitation Cross-Section Without Using Multipole Potentials.- 3.4 Electron-Nucleus Elastic Scattering (General Consideration).- 3.4.1 Elastic Scattering Cross-Section and Reduced Matrix Elements.- 3.4.2 Partial Coulomb and Magnetic Form Factors.- 3.4.3 Electron-Nucleus Elastic Scattering Cross-Section and Nuclear Static Multipole Moments. Partial Form Factors.- 3.4.4 Qualitative Analysis of the Elastic Scattering Cross-Section.- 3.5 Electron Scattering by Free Nucleons.- 3.5.1 Rosenbluth Formula.- 3.5.2 Nucleon Form Factors.- 3.6 Elastic Scattering of Electrons by Deuterons.- 3.6.1 Electrical Deuteron Form Factors.- 3.6.2 Magnetic Deuteron Form Factor.- 3.6.3 Cross-Section of Elastic Electron Scattering by Deuterons.- 3.7 Elastic Scattering of Electrons by Three-Nucleon Nuclei.- 3.7.1 3H and 3He Ground States.- 3.7.2 Electromagnetic Form Factors of Three-Nucleon Nuclei.- 3.7.3 Cross-Section of Elastic Electron Scattering by 3H and 3He.- 3.8 Elastic Electron Scattering by Nuclei with A ? 1.- 3.8.1 Electron Scattering by Spinless 1p-Shell Nuclei.- 3.8.2 Electron Scattering by Spinless Nuclei with Mass Number A > 20.- 3.8.3 Electron Scattering by Nuclei with Spin Jo ? 0.- 3.8.4 Phenomenological Analysis of Data on the Elastic Electron Scattering by Nuclei.- 3.8.5 Consideration Extended Beyond the Born Plane-Wave Approximation. A Phase Analysis.- 3.8.6 High-Energy Approximation.- 3.9 Electroexcitation of Nuclei.- 3.9.1 Longitudinal (Coulomb) and Transverse Transitions.- 3.9.2 Lifetime of Nuclear Levels.- 3.9.3 The Helm Model.- 3.9.4 Adiabatic Approximation.- 3.9.5 The Liquid Drop Model.- 3.9.6 The Migdal, Goldhaber, and Teller Model.- 3.9.7 Electron Scattering by Hard, Non-Spherical Nuclei.- 3.9.8 Electroexcitation of Rotational-Vibrational Nuclear States.- 3.9.9 Many-Particle Shell Model with 1s-Coupling.- 3.9.10 Influence of a Bound Structure and Shell Potential on the Electroexcitation Probability.- 3.9.11 Nuclear Cluster Model.- 3.9.12 Shell Model with Residual Interaction. Hartree-Fock Method and Partial-Hole Model.- 3.9.13 Random Phases Approximation (RPA).- 3.9.14 Electron Wave Distortion Analysis.- 3.9.15 Dispersion Effects and Radiation Corrections.- 3.9.16 Scattering of Polarized Electrons by Orientated Nuclei.- 4. Electron-Nucleus Interaction (Nuclear Electrodisintegration and Inclusive Processes).- 4.1 Deuteron Electrodisintegration.- 4.1.1 Deuteron Electrodisintegration Cross-Section Disregarding the Interaction Between Disintegration Products.- 4.1.2 Contribution of the Final State Interaction.- 4.1.3 Analysis of Experimental Data on Deuteron Electrodisintegration.- 4.1.4 Polarization Effects Under Deuteron Electrodisintegration.- 4.2 Electrodisintegration of Three-Nucleon Nuclei.- 4.2.1 General Expressions for Electrodisintegration Cross-Sections of 3H and 3He.- 4.2.2 Model-Wave-Function Analysis of the Two-Particle Disintegration of Three-Nucleon Nuclei.- 4.2.3 Model-Wave-Function Analysis of the Complete Electrodisintegration of Three-Nucleon Nuclei.- 4.2.4 Cross-Section Evaluations for the Two-Particle Electrodisintegration of Three-Nucleon Nuclei by Using Given Nucleon-Nucleon Potentials.- 4.2.5 Evaluations of 3He(e, e'p)pn and 3H(e, e'p)nn Cross-Sections for Given Nucleon-Nucleon Interactions in Nuclear Ground States.- 4.2.6 Interpolation Model.- 4.3 Electrodisintegration of Light Nuclei.- 4.3.1 Inelastic Scattering of High-Energy Electrons by Nuclei Accompanied by Nucleon Emission.- 4.3.2 Model-Independent Description of the Nucleon Emission from Nuclei Under Scattering of High-Energy Electrons.- 4.3.3 Spectral Function.- 4.3.4 Many-Particle Shell Model and Nuclear Electrodisintegration.- 4.3.5 Momentum Distribution of Nuclear Nucleons.- 4.3.6 Analysis of Coincidence Experiments on the Electro-disintegration of Light Many-Nucleon Nuclei.- 4.3.7 Nucleon Polarization Under Nuclear Electrodisintegration.- 4.3.8 Nuclear Electrodisintegration Accompanied by Composite Particles Emission.- 4.4 Inclusive Electron Scattering by Nuclei.- 4.4.1 Exclusive and Inclusive Processes.- 4.4.2 General Formulas for the Cross-Sections of Inclusive Electron Scattering by Nuclei.- 4.4.3 Inclusive Electron Scattering by Deuterons.- 4.4.4 Electron Energy Distribution Under the Electrodisintegration of Light Nuclei.- 4.4.5 Sum Rule for the Inclusive Electron Scattering by Nuclei.- 4.4.6 Nucleon-Nucleon Correlation Function.- 4.4.7 Other Sum Rules for Electron Scattering by Nuclei.- 4.4.8 Inclusive Electron Scattering by Three-Nucleon Nuclei. Correlation Functions of 3H and 3He.- 4.4.9 Correlation Functions of Light Many-Nucleon Nuclei and Angular Electron Distributions Under Inclusive Scattering.- 4.4.10 Scaling Effect in the Inclusive Electron Scattering Cross-Sections.- 4.5 Inelastic Electron Scattering and Two-Particle Correlations in Nuclei.- 4.5.1 Relation between the Cross-Section of Inelastic Electron Scattering by Nuclei and Two-Nucleon Correlation Functions.- 4.5.2 Fermi-Gas Nuclear Model.- 4.5.3 Superfluid Nuclear Model.- 4.5.4 Fermi-Liquid Nuclear Model.- 4.5.5 Nuclear Shell Model.- 5. Electromagnetic Interaction Between Heavy Charged Particles and Nuclei.- 5.1 Electromagnetic Excitation of Nuclei by Heavy Charged Particles.- 5.1.1 Multipole Expansions.- 5.1.2 General Expression for the Coulomb Excitation Cross-Section.- 5.1.3 Cross-Sections of Electrical and Magnetic Nuclear Excitations in the Non-Relativistic Approximation.- 5.1.4 Wavefunctions of Charged Particles in the Nuclear Coulomb Field.- 5.1.5 Evaluation of Transition Matrix Elements of a Charged Particle.- 5.1.6 Radial Integrals in the Quasiclassical Approximation.- 5.1.7 The Theory of Coulomb Nuclear Excitation in the Classical Limit.- 5.1.8 Numerical Results for the Coulomb Nuclear Excitation Cross-Sections.- 5.1.9 Multiple Coulomb Nuclear Excitation.- 5.2 Disintegration of Complex Particles in the Nuclear Electromagnetic Field.- 5.2.1 Disintegration of Slow Deuterons in the Nuclear Coulomb Field.- 5.2.2 Disintegration of Fast Deuterons in the Nuclear Electromagnetic Field.- 5.2.3 Polarization of Composite Particles Disintegration Products in the Nuclear Electromagnetic Field.- 5.2.4 Disintegration of Light Nuclei in the Electromagnetic Field of Heavy Nuclei.- 5.2.5 Deuteron Disintegration by Nuclei in the Case of Nucleons Emission at 0 .- References.

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