
Bengale : chants des "fous" = Bengale : songs of the "madmen"

enregistrements [et texte de présentation] de Georges Luneau

(Collection du Centre national de la recherche scientifique et du Musée de l'homme)

Chant du monde , Distribution, Hamonia Mundi France , King International [distributor in Japan], c1992, p1990



Bengal : traditional music

ベンガル : 風狂の楽師バウル

シャン・ドゥ・モンド"民族音楽ライブラリー" ; 7

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Title on container: Bengal : traditional music

Title on Japanese leaflet: ベンガル : 風狂の楽師バウル

Recordings made in Bengal in 1978 and 1979 while preparing and shooting a film on the Baul called "Songs of the 'madmen'"

Compact disc

Texts and ethnological notes in English and French (28 p. : ill.) with Japanese leaflet (4 p.)

Japanese series title: シャン・ドゥ・モンド"民族音楽ライブラリー" ; 7

Chant du monde: LDX 274 715

"KKCC-5007"--Japanese leaflet


  • You were unable to keep the love water
  • There is a mouse-trap at the centre of the universe
  • Take refuge at the feet of the guru
  • O Khrishna you came
  • You came into this world many times
  • You came to this world to play a game of cards
  • Only the fakir knows the mind of the fakir

関連文献: 1件中  1-1を表示

