Computational support for discrete mathematics : DIMACS workshop, March 12-14, 1992


Computational support for discrete mathematics : DIMACS workshop, March 12-14, 1992

Nathaniel Dean, Gregory E. Shannon, editors

(DIMACS series in discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science, v. 15)

American Mathematical Society, c1994

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 25



Includes bibliographical references



With recent technological advances in workstations, graphics, graphical user interfaces, and object oriented programming languages, a significant number of researchers are developing general-purpose software and integrated software systems for domains in discrete mathematics, including graph theory, combinatorics, combinatorial optimization, and sets. This software aims to provide effective computational tools for research, applications prototyping, and teaching. In March 1992, DIMACS sponsored a workshop on Computational Support for Discrete Mathematics in order to facilitate interactions between the researchers, developers, and educators who work in these areas. Containing refereed papers based on talks presented at the workshop, this volume documents current and past research in these areas and should provide impetus for new interactions.


Analyzing integer sequences by A. Bhansali and S. S. Skiena GDR: A visualization tool for graph algorithms by M. Stallmann, R. Cleaveland, and P. Hebbar Application of computational tools for finitely presented groups by G. Havas and E. F. Robertson Animated algorithms: Computer science education with algorithm animation by P. A. Gloor, I. Lee, and A. Velez-Sosa AGE: An animated graph environment by J. Abello, S. Sudarsky, T. Veatch, and J. Waller An interactive, graphical, educationally oriented graph analysis package by D. S. Dillon and F. R. Smietana Network assistant: To construct, test, and analyze graph network algorithms by G. H. Bradley and H. F. Oliveira Computing spanning trees in NETPAD by K.-W. Lih, N. Dean, and M. Mihail An empirical assessment of algorithms for constructing a minimum spanning tree by B. M. E. Moret and H. D. Shapiro Rectilinear Steiner tree minimization on a workstation by C. Thomborson, B. Alpem, and L. Carter The XYZ GeoBench for the experimental evaluation of geometric algorithms by P. Schorn Monitoring an algorithm's execution by D. A. Berque and M. K. Goldberg Implementation of parallel graph algorithms on the MasPar by T.-S. Hsu, V. Ramachandran, and N. Dean Monte Carlo and Markov chain techniques for network reliability and sampling by A. L. Buchsbaum and M. Mihail Networks and reliability in MAPLE by D. D. Harms, J. S. Devitt, and C. J. Colbourn GMP/X, An X-windows based graph manipulation package by G. Zimmerman, A. H. Esfahanian, and D. Vasquez METANET: A system for network analysis by C. Gomez and M. Goursat GraphTool: A tool for interactive design and manipulation of graphs and graph algorithms by V. J. Leung, M. B. Dillencourt, and A. L. Bliss Improvements to GraphPack: A system to manipulate graphs and digraphs by M. Krishnamoorthy, A. Suess, M. Onghena, F. Oxaal, and T. Spencer Extending a graph browser for topological graph theory by J. I. Helfman and J. L. Gross Test case construction for the vertex cover problem by L. A. Sanchis CalICo: Software for combinatorics by M. Delest and N. Rouillon Formal calculus and enumerative combinatorics by M. Delest Implementing finite state machines by K. Sutner NPDA: A tool for visualizing and simulating nondeterministic pushdown automata by D. Caugherty and S. H. Rodger Recognizing the hidden structure of Cayley graphs by I. J. Dejter A concept for the representation of data and algorithms by D. Moller and R. Muller.

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