Decision making in gerontologic nursing


Decision making in gerontologic nursing

Paula A. Loftis, Talar L. Glover

(Clinical decision making series)

Mosby, c1993

  • pbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 24



Includes bibliographical references and index



"Decision Making in Gerontological Nursing" provides practicing nurses with assessment and intervention strategies in the clinical setting. This practical text enhances decision-making skills through pertinent principles of anatomy and physiology, a patient's history, clinical manifestations, interventions and patient teaching. Divided into physical, psychosocial and functional disorders, this book focuses on the conditions commonly seen in elderly people. Other features of the text include: decision trees which present plans of care while taking into consideration possible alternatives and complications that could influence the outcome; coverage of such problems as sleep and rest disturbances, adaptational problems, emergency situations, medications and spiritual care; and cross-referencing of each disorder in other sections for complete coverage.

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